questions that i can never answer

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How is it that i can love him so much that just the thought of him makes me smile. Why does my stomach feel funny but in the good way yet all he said was heey. How is it possible that i start to get shy when ever people ask me about how me and him are. Why do i blush at his text especially when he calls me babe. Why is it that i cant go to sleep with out texting him before i go to sleep and if i dont text it's with struggle and arguements in my mind. Why is it that one of my greatest fears are of losing him .How is it that i trust him, care for him and love him so much. He showed me he trusts me so much he let me see things that are suppose to stay hidden and i admire that.  I dont care if he does'nt love me that much so ill still say it . I must be crazy to say all this but who gives a shit. It was worth it <3 xx

questions that i can never answerWhere stories live. Discover now