James and Jenny chap 1

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James and Jenny were our parents. they didn't have any powers , I don't know how that is. To the public we were the perfect family that everybody wanted to be apart of the perfect marriage , the perfect children. But you know what they say , never judge a book by its cover cause were the exact opposite of perfect. My dad was a handsome man , he had soft features that made him appear softly and timid , he had honey brown hair , it was like Nicks , his eyes were brown and friendly which soon turned to a dull brownish grey after being married to my mom .My mom had soft features also , she had long black hair that touched the beginning of her butt, she had black eyes that made her look deadly. They were both very beautiful people but there marriage wasn't . I can honestly say that it was my mothers fault . Constantly complaining about meaningless things and always accusing our dad of cheating , a person can only take so much. I remember one night my dad had came home late and she had waited up for him, she started yelling and hitting him when I heard all the noise I went down stairs to see what was going on . I could feel everything my dad was feeling, he trying to control his anger but she just wouldn't stop hitting him. I felt the anger boiling up inside of him, I could feel him clinching all his muscles and gritting his teeth all this to restrain from hitting a women who was wrongfully accusing him if something he didn't do but finally he gave out .I guess my dad got tired of it and decided that he had had enough so he took her my the throat and slung her body on the floor I heard him grunt " I have never cheated on you Jenny! I'm sick and tired of you accusing me of doing that" he said pointing his finger at her , I could tell he wanted to just wail on her and let all that anger out. " Every damn day I come home and you start yelling at me, why can't you be good wife and at least cook me dinner, or iron my suit for me , but no you wanna bitch every chance you get. Never have I ever felt so low! But you know what, I'm taking my life back , no more you hear me, no fucking more!" then , I saw something that I never thought I'd see him do , he kicked her, then he kicked her again and again and again. then he kneeled down to her and said " I'm king now." That was the day he snapped , that was the day that everything changed in our house. Jenny started drinking more and my dad was rarely at home . By Jenny drinking she became abusive toward us. I had gotten tired of her putting her hands on us so I started a bad habit that led mr down that path of darkness, I started practicing black magic. James and Jenny forbad us from using black magic because they knew what would happen to us if we did. But I only used it to better my powers. I already had the idea of killing jenny in mind but how was I gonna do it. I played the way it was gonna happen over and over again in my head until I got an Idea . it took me four years to master my powers and get them under control. When I was 16 years old I had my plan ready. I waited till Jenny got into the tub. I made her feel that the water was scolding hot, I made her believe that she couldn't get up, she started to scream for help as , ( in her mind) her skin began to peel off. I made her see flames form upon the water . Her heart finally gave out . Nick was standing next to me the whole time and all he did was grab my hand and say" let's get our things and go.". We took Jenny's car and left , never looking back. We headed to a small city in California named Palmdale and we enrolled in school there , well we made the school board believe we already went there . Three days later the death of Jenny appeared on the news " On Saturday , November 9 Jenny Jones , a mother and wife, was found dead in her bath tub. We believe that the cause of death was a heart attack. Her two children Nick and Robin , Robin 16 and Nick who is 15 are nowhere to be found neither her husband James Jones." the news reporter said they didn't show any pictures of us simply because there were none . But people who knew us were asking us questions about our parents . We don't know what happens to James all we know is that we were now finally on our own . After we graduated high school we both went to college and got an off campus apartment. I can say that Nick was different after watching me kill Jenny he was quiet and he would ask me random questions about her. " Robin do you think mom went to heaven" I would look at him with concern " Um no, she was to evil and damaged to even look at the gates of heaven " "oh" .

I'm not heartless Doc. there wasn't a day that passed by that I didn't think about what I had done , but I do know one thing I never felt bad for killing Jenny and to this very day three years later I haven't shed a tear.

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