The Nick You Don't Know chap 2

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Nick was a good person , he really was , but he did have dark side that he hid very well, well from everyone else. Me I could see right through him. Nick was fascinated by dark magic, he found the idea of extreme power interesting. I wish i would have stopped him right when he started. He was 14 when he started. dark magic had an dramatic effect on him. He began to get black spots in a shape of a tear drop that crawled up his arm. His eyes , at night, were topaz and black in the middle. He also had behavioral changes, he was always angry . I remember one day I had confronted him about using black magic , he became so infuriated with me he smacked me into the wall leaving a dent on it. I could tell he was sorry for right away but the words didn't come out of his mouth, he just simply walked away.

"Nick can I talk to you?" I said hesitating to ask

"Yea wassup" he said putting his book pack down

"Umm... I don't know how to ask this" I said twiddling with my fingers

"Just ask Robin" he said

"Have you been using black magic?"

As soon as "black magic" came out his face dropped and he took me by my arm and led me to his room, closing the door and locking it, afraid that Jenny or James would hear us

"What ?" he said stepping closer to me

I hesitated, knowing that any little thing could set him off

"Have you been using black magic?"

"Goddamnit Robin! Why do you always do this shit?" He said pacing back and forth

" Do what Nick your the one using it"

"Don't come at me like that , I caught you using it and I didn't say anything!"

"That's because I'm doing it for our safety and protection , Nick!"

"Lies ! that's all your doing !" he said pointing at me

" What ? lies ! Me! you have some nerve "

"What are you saying? " he said calmer

"You have to stop using it"

"What if I don't want to " he said with an angry sinister look in his eyes

"You don't want to know what I'll do "I said assuringly

"Are you threatening me?" he said pointing to himself and walking towards me

"Nick just please stop!" I was almost crying cause I didn't want this to destroy him

"No"he said an inch away from my face

"Nick I swear if you don't , I'll take you down myself" I said I wanted him to think I wasn't afraid to hurt him

He gave me an evil smirk , " Your not gonna do a damn thing"

He was testing me , I had to show him that I wasn't scared of him. I swung my arm and tried to hit him in his face but he grabbed my arm and twisted it then slapping me in my face sending me flying across the room and into the wall

" Don't you ever raise your hand to me again" then he walked away, leaving me with a stuns look on my face

I don't remember how he got off of it but all I know is that every moment he is away from me I'm scared he's doing something he has no business doing .

We were freshman's in college. That meant partying and a lot of drinking , well for me at least . Going out wasn't the norm for Nick so the first time he did it I was frantic when he came home at 3:00 in the morning

" Where the hell have you been !" I said approaching him as he walked in

he cocked his back and sighed

"Robin, I was out" he said throwing the keys on the table

"Out where dammit"

"Robin, your not my mom , your my sister ok so hop off my tip and get out my way"

"What did you just say to me?" I couldn't believe what he had said

"Look, I need you to stop treating me like I'm a child ok , cause I'm not. Goddness Robin! I'm 17 "

"But you live with me"

"Oh that can change " he said going up stairs

"Look it doesn't have to come to all of this" I said following him

"Oh no , yes it does Robin cause I'm tired of you treating me like I'm 5 and don't know how to handle myself" he said while taking off his jacket and shirt revealing his chest with a tattoo of my name on his right breast

"Do you remember the last time you 'handled' yourself"

"What?" he said unbuckling his belt

"It happened 3 years ago ..." he cut me off

"Look Robin I was 14 , so what if my friends talked me into stealing a couple of condoms, that's no excuse to harass me"

"What? First of all I didn't even know about that and second of all that's not what I'm talking about"

"Then what are you talking about " he said taking off his pants

"I'm talking about when I caught you doing black magic " his face dropped and he walked towards me

" That's what it is? Your scared that I'm doing that again" he said concerned

"Yea, I was so just tell me where you were please "I said taking a deep breath

He sighed , "Fine , I was with Machi and Casey"

"Really....them two , you know I don't like them"

"Wait let me finish " he said slipping sweat pants on


"They were going on and on about how I need to get out , at least once so they told me about Kayla's party "

" The girl you like"

"Yea her but , I said that I only wanted to be there for two hours but that turned into 4 hours . They both became drunk and I didn't want them to drive home so I brought them both home and then I came straight home " he said assuringly

" That's it?"

"That's it"

"I'm sorry Nick , I just get so worried about you, I don't want to lose you"

He walked towards me and kissed me on my cheek, gave me a hug and then a kiss on my shoulder

"Oh Robin , my sweet,caring ,loving big sister Robin, I love you and I don't ever want to hurt you, always keep this in mind when you start to think like that ok" he said trying to find my eyes

"Ok "I said hugging him

"One more question " I asked letting go


"Why didn't you tell me that she was having a party I could have been there turnin' up man"

He laughed and put his arm around me as we walked up stairs .

To this day Doc. I still don't know if that was true or not , I wanted to believe that it was true but something told me to still watch him , I just wish I would have watched him a bit more

*Hey everybody , this is my first story and I would appreciate if you guys would comment on it and tell me what you think of it thanks *

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