The bad boys my neighbor - Chapter 6

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I don’t think I will ever get used to getting up on Monday mornings, but hey attest this morning I didn’t have to get up as early because my baby was back. My baby is a safari jeep, yes that is right a safari jeep and I wouldn’t change him for the world.

I got up went had breakfast, had a shower then I went and got dressed, today I am wearing High wasted jean shorts, a white half top with the ying yang sign on it, and my brown work boots, I grabbed my shoulder bag and ran out the door I quickly texted Claudia and Zara to see if they wanted a lift. We haven’t been hanging out much lately and we need to catch up so after school we can go to the mall. They both replied with a yes so I went and picked them up.

When I got to Zara’s house she was already waiting out the front, today she was wearing a black sleeveless short one piece with flower dr Martins. “Hey zaza this afternoon we will go to the mall then you and Claudia can stay at mine because we haven’t really hung out in forever” “Sounds like a plan. Glad to see you have Richard back” Richard is what I named my car btw, “Yes it is good” Just as I finished saying that we pulled up at Claudia’s house, today she was wearing a stitched floral crop top, a black skirt with little flowers on it and her black chucks. “Hey Claudia this afternoon we will go to the mall then you and Zaza can stay at mine because we haven’t really hung out in forever” “Okie dokie sounds like a plan.” For the rest of the car ride we just talked about random stuff, when we got to school we went to go get ready for our class but not before promising to sit with each other at lunch.

While I was walking down the hall I walked into Daniel “Dan hi sorry I had to leave you at the party on Friday things just got a bit bad as you saw” “yea it’s totally fine but we have to hang out again sometime soon”  “yea defiantly, well I have to go now so I will see you later” I said with a smile and walked off.

In History we were learning about world war two, Mr Halangburg set us an assignment on it “but kids it will be a partners assignment and I will be picking the partners” oh great I’m probably going to get stuck with tomato Joe. “Kelly and Zac, James and Melisa, Joe and Lara, Olivia and Hayden, Tom and Lucy” Few I’m not with Joe, wait did he say Hayden? I looked at Hayden to see him smiling at me, I take back my last comment I would rather have tomato Joe.

Hayden came and sat next to me “hi partner, I can’t do today but I can do tomorrow I will see you then” he said than got up and left, something was wrong with that guy.

When the last bell finally rang I went to my car and waited for Zara and Claudia, when they got there we went straight to the mall and started trying on different clothes, after 3 hours we were all getting tired and hungry so we went to Red Roster got something to eat, then we went to the dvd shop got some movies and then we went to Coles and got some food for tonight.

When we got home we didn’t put any movies on at first, we just sat and talked. “So Claudia what is going on with you and Ben?” I asked her, when I looked up I saw that she had tears threating to spill, oh o. “Well we don’t go out anymore we have been on and off for a couple of weeks, but at the party on Friday I decided to end it” so that explains him kissing someone, “what about Luke?” Zara asked “oh yes what about him” I also asked, her cheeks where turning bright red ohlala she likes him, “what about him” she replies golly gosh she’s playing hard to get with us, “you know exactly what about him missy moo, I saw you two at the party” haha got you now, “oh that nothing really  we were just talking nothing to it” ha liar I can see her face turning bright red “liar liar pants on fire” I sing to her while her and Zara just look at me like wtf is wrong with her, “anywhooo if you don’t want to tell us that’s fine but we will get to the bottom of this” Zara warned “yea what Zara said” I agreed.

“Whatever you losers, so Zara what about you who was that blond headed boy I saw you with on Sunday” Claudia asked, ohhhhhhhhhh Zara must have a boyfriend, “well his name is Zayn, we work at the coffee shop together and one thing lead to another and know we go out” OMG “WHY DID YOU NOT TELL US!!” I basically screeched at her “well I was waiting for the best time” oh that makes scene “ok well I am happy for you” I reply with a smile “yea me to” said Claudia.

“So Olivia what is going on with you, I have seen you with Hayden a bit” Claudia asked, “nothing is going on he just seems to pop up everywhere I go” I reply “ahhh yes and is that it? You don’t have any feelings for him? No secret kisses?” Zara asked “yes that’s it, no I don’t like him and no defiantly no kisses”, “ah ok well when it happens let me know” Zara says “It’s not going to happen” I reply.

“Well should we put a movie on?” Claudia said “yep you guys choose a movie, while I go and get the food” I say then walk off. For the rest of the night we just sat and watched movies.

It was about 2am, Claudia and Zara where asleep but I couldn’t sleep so I went where I always go when I need to think, up on the bank, it was a nice warm night so I didn’t need a blanket. When I got there I sat and thought, did I like Hayden? No but I don’t hate him anymore I think people just judge him to quickly me being one of those people. My thoughts where interrupted when someone came and sat down next to me, that person being Hayden, what is it with him and always sneaking up on me.

“Hey why aren’t you inside with Claudia and Zara?” ok that was weird how did he know that? “Um first I couldn’t sleep and second how did you know that?” I asked “you left your curtains open” oh right that makes scene.

“Look I know you hate me because I use girls but I mean it takes two to tango, they know what they are getting into yet they still come so you can’t blame me entirely” he said, wow where did that come from? “I know and I don’t hate you, you’re an alright kind of a person I guess” I said “well that’s good” he said “yea I guess it is” we sat and looked at the stars for a we while before I decided to go back to Claudia and Zara, just before I could leave Hayden grabbed my hand twisted me around then kissed me, and boy was it good but then just as quick as it came it went and he walked off.

That asshole kissed me then just left agh what a dick I thought before turning back and going to my room where I went and sleep for the rest of the night.





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