C H A P T E R - S I X

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Author's POV

Police cars and ambulances surrounded the once cheerful lake. As the investigation team start to clear the perimeter. In search for any clues that could hint them in this heynis crime.

Sehun talked to one officer completely in a state of shock. Not knowing what to tell him or what to think.

And poor Suzy lay hysterically in Baekhyun's arms. Not being able to get the horrendous image of her best friends dead body out of her head.

And although she was upset...

Oddly no one was more upset than Kai..

As he sat on the ground with his head in his hands. And tears streaming down his cheeks in complete and utter despair.

But what reason would he have to be crying so hard???

We shall see as the story continues...

Suzy's POV

I can't believe it....

She's dead

My best friend, the very girl I had just hung out with just a few days prior. Is now being zipped up in a body bag.

The news keeps hitting me as my tears found no end.

Did she drown?

The current was strong enough to pull me under.

Or did something far more unimaginable happen to her?

"Oh god Suzy are you alright!"

I looked up from Baekhyun's embrace and saw my mom running up to me with worried eyes. I met her halfway and hugged her tight.

"Omma she's gone"

"Oh my, there has to be some kind of misunderstanding.... you were just with her" she said.

All I could do was nod my head and cry even harder. As the news hit me again.

"Hi, my name is detective Eunwoo. May I have a moment to speak with your daughter" this tall guy said approaching us.

Is he kidding me right now?

"Absolutely not! I'm taking my daughter home and away from here! Come on honey" mom said walking me too her car.

She then helped me in and silently drove me home. The only sounds that could be heard in the car is the low growl of the engine. And the constant sniffles I kept creating.

I made it home in record time. And once we arrived, I got out of the car quickly and ran into the house.

"Suzy honey wait!"

My mom called after me. But it didn't stop my stride as I made it into my room. And locked door behind me before I layed my face into the pillow.

I want this whole day to be a dream.

Please don't be real...

Please don't be real...


Unfortunately reality chose to exist. And bring me into a deep depression the following days after the lake party.

Is it Monday?


Saturday even?

I wouldn't know. I haven't even seen the light of day in what felt like years. Nor did I want too.

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