The Dreams

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Scream Silently

Screams were all I could here all around me, blood curdling screams, where was I in a realm, a temple? It was all old, it was made of stone with moss growing over it, and there were blood stains and some times a dead person would fall through the ceiling. I was in a room with chambers now and I tryed my hardest not to scream but I couldnt take it. I screamed and than I was falling I was falling fast than I saw the floor before my eyes and a few sillouetts. I woke up with a jolt and a hurting head. I got up off the floor and wished it was carpet to brake my fall and not wood. That was the 7th time I had fell off my bed and have had that dream. Today was my 8th day at the new house, each time the dream got longer every time I fell asleep I dreaded what was awaiting me. I didnt move away from my school and all that, I just moved into a different house. Tomorrow is the first day of high school my three midde school friends are going there: Ella, Ally, and Jess. I have been friends with Ella and Jess since 1st grade. Ally has always been diffrent, especially because we met in the 3rd grade, so me Ella and Jess are a little bit closer but we dont leave her out. I remake my bed and go downstairs right now every thing is so dull and white, my room is probably the brightest because I have all my posters up and the blankets are a bright blue. I go into the kitchen and excpect to see my dad making blueberry pancakes, and then I remember hes not here and he will never be here I started to feel the back of my eyes sting and that lump in my throat. My dad is the whole reason we moved well sort of, my dad was murdered infront of my own eyes just 9 days ago It was horrible

I was in my room than I heard my dad open the door and I peeked out my door and saw a guy stab my father once in the shoulder blade twice in the stomach than once in his chest and my dad was dead, I quickly went back into my room and hoped the guy would leave, he looked around and then left. My mom came home right after it happened I was standing in the kitchen in shock and my mom asked "Did auncle Chris get a new car?" I turned around and she saw that my eyes were red and puffy and had this sick worried look on her face and said "What happened? wheres dad?" i bet she came through the back door and thats how she didnt know about dad in his state of death. Me:That wasnt auncle Chris, and what happened well dad is dead. Mom:Ha ha very funny Arianna. Me:mom im not kidding seariosly! Mom:Well how did your dad die? and where is he? Me:He was stabbed and hes by the front door dead. my mom looked at me like I had just stabbed her. All of the sudden she started balling her eyes out and so did I. 9 days later here we are in a new house. My mom walks into the kitchen and says "Good morning Arianna" and I reply "Good morning, mom." and smiled. She smiled back and said with a worried look "Are you sure you will be fine alone at the know since accident?" I smiled and said "Yes mom, I will be fine." she looked at me once again with that worried look, she'd been using that look alot, then she hugged me and said "Okay, love you." "Love you too mom" and with that she grabbed her keys and her purse and left. Honestly I was pretty nervous to be alone so I called Ally and she answered on the 3rd ring. Ally: Hey Ari! Me: Hi, so I was wondering if you could come over? because ever since my...dads accident I get kind of nervous. Ally: You dont have to ask me twice I was gonna have to go to the movie theater with my parents. Me: Okay, see ya in a little bit. Ally: Yeah see ya. I got a cup of apple juice and grabbed a muffin, and silently thanked my mom for going to the grocery store yesterday.

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