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The sounds of light feminine screams filled with agony had echoed the old dusty room.

The screams belonged to a woman by the name of Eve Night and she was doomed to be Isaac Grossman's new playmate because she had agreed to keep him company in his dusty little home that he had inherited from his dead parents.

Isaac was her captor and she had gotten away from him, by scratching his face with her blue painted claw like nails and is now hiding her small 4 foot 9 frame in the cabinet that was attached to the sink.

Her beautiful shaded almond eyes leaking translucent fluid as her assailant was ripping off the fabric of the curtains and swinging doors open looking for the petite teen.

The man who was searching for her was that of a mentally sick and cruel man who had picked her up from the park where they were discussing London and how lovely the city was.

Now the girl laid shivering in nothing but undergarments that hung loosely off her body due to Isaac trying to rip it off but failed causing the clothes to stretch.

Her breathing tried to calm down but her heart beat and her breath hitched when Issacs footsteps grew closer to her location.

The male stood so close to her location with a smirk plastered onto his face of finally fulfilling his lustful desires beneath the carved wooden mask.

As he was about to rip open the cabinet that held his newest guest, Eve opened to door and ran past him, her breast length midnight black hair waving behind her as she trampled into the males bedroom and slamming the door locking it.

What both beings didn't know was that they had an audience of a monochromic clown who sat there in a dusty box, wanting to be released and loved by his best friend who had turned into a mentally disturbed individual.

The clown smirked from within his confinement as the door was brutally banged on and the girl had panicked and she dug into the drawers of Issacs dresser and found a 7 inch blade which Isaac would use to slice his victims stomachs wide open and pour bugs into them while they were still alive with fish hooks in their eyelids causing them to be wide open to experience the horrors that Isaac put their bodies through.

Eve cried letting tears stream down her face, she sobbed hard as she cut the air by her hands that wrapped around the blade and sheathed the blade into her chest, stabbing her heart and falling to the floor with the blood gushing around the blade and splashing against the floor.

Isaac kept trying to kick the door open and when he did the girl was already dead, freezing cold in a puddle of her own blood.

The monochrome clown giggled as Isaac became pissed, happy that his favourite and only 'friend' was angry at the thought that he could have his sick way.

But the giggles soon stopped as Isaac smirked over the dead body and proceeded to bend down and peel off her undergarments with no fight whatsoever and proceeded to take off his pants as well.

Jack was now curious as Isaac was beginning to play a new game of which he'd never seen before.

The neglected friend watched as Isaac violated Eves pale body as he plunged into her freezing walls with a look of ecstasy that painted his features.

Jack was now furious and hissed as he saw his friend was in absolute bliss while he sat and rotted away in his beautifully crafted prison.

A few moments later with a soft groan Isaac had reached his climax and filled his victim with his seed. The clown was now interested in this game that Isaac had played with the dead corpse and wanted to try it himself.

But for now he sits and rots in his prison, hoping that one day he would be free of Isaacs neglectful clutches.

The monochrome monster had lost his once happy glow and had it replaced with bone crushing misery as his colours had painted the rotted wood floors.

Jack missed the times he had spent with the sadistic boy in the past, playing pirates and eating candy while smiling and telling stories before Isaacs verbally abusive mother had sent Issac to boarding school because of Jack gripping to hard on the neighbors cat.

The clown was now watching and wanting to get vengeance on his beloved old friend. The monochromic being had learned to hate and be sadistic from the boy who he shared a personality with.

The boy had headed downstairs not even shedding a glance at the box that sat on top of the useless nicknacks.

Jack knew that one day he would love to show his teacher what sadistic torture he had learned from the masked murderer. Soon Jack will be free of his confinement and isolation and he got excited about showing his skills and hoped that day would come soon.

Luck happened to be on Jacks side on this day for the shelf that held his box collapsed from old age and that caught Isaacs attention.

'Finally' the clown giggled almost in a mentally insane manner as Isaac cranked the old rusted handle of his crafted metal box and with a mentally twisted laugh he finally escaped his small hell hole.

The boy who had become a man and had taken his colours away from him turning him into a monster just like his owner who he had shared the same desires.

The clown had appeared in front of his captor smiling from ear to ear revealing his jagged needle like teeth laughing that he was finally free.

Isaac tried to escape his friends clutches but failed when jack stretched his arms caging the man within the room.

"Lets have some fun my beloved friend." Jack kept laughing as he dragged his friend to the bed and nailed him to it in the position of when christ on his cross being crucified.

Jack thought as he tortured his abuser that he never wanted to be the word that he had learned to hate with his whole rotten decaying heart ever again.

That word being the thing that he had been with Isaac for multiple years.


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