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"Here it goes." Jack continued to stare at the wall.

Jeff stared at the monochromic carnies face seeing sadness set in as the clown gave off a huff and proceeded,

"I was made by a guardian angel for a poor London boy named Isaac. Isaacs parents were abusers, his father savagely beating his mother while the mother verbally assaulted her son. We used to play so much and had so much fun!" Jacks happy expression started to cloud with discouragement.

"Until three months later, when I accidentally killed Isaacs neighbours cat and he got sent to boarding school." Jeff now noticed how Jacks posture was sluggish and tears started to brim his foggy ashen eyes and he started to shake.

"He left me. Alone in that prison of a box, to rot. I was once bright and colourful but over the years of waiting only to be disappointed my colours washed out leaving me like this. When he came back, he threw me away thinking I was some 'imaginary fabrication' as he called it." Tears streamed down his snow pigmented porcelain cheeks.

Jeff thought that Jacks name shouldn't be Laughing Jack but Depressed Jack because he became sad and he let his emotions go. The smile faced teen frowned at Jacks crying. Jack never let his tears for his lost friend go but he decided to trust Jeff as if he did Jason.

Jeff was normally an asshole and cold but something sparked inside him seeing this newcomer leaking tears over someone who forgot about them.

Jeff had no idea what to do about the crying monochromic carnie but he's seen Jane and Slender give Sally hugs and Slender always showed love towards the proxies, even Jeff with his unquenchable bloodlust.

Jeff scooted closer to Jack and decided to embrace him holding the clown in his arms digging his bleached nose into the clowns sweet cotton candy scented hair.

Jack was shocked because the teen who practically insulted him was now hugging him, digging his nose into Jacks midnight black twisted locks.

The teen let go on gripped Jack by his cheeks staring into his ashen orbs that held a collection of tears Jeff knew that this newly formed gushy feeling wasn't going to go away and he knew what he was about to do next would surprise everyone even himself.

Jeff once looked towards the couple that he always mocked and ridiculed and one night he stumbled upon the sight of Toby crying about how he disappointed his mother and let her down. Clockwork felt sorrow about her lover breaking down and collided their lips in a passionate kiss. Toby ended up smiling and sighed softly letting himself calm down.

In the now, Jeff leaned over the monochromic clown and started to slowly collide their lips, being mindful of the clowns pointed swirl nose.

Once their lips met the 2 beings fluttered their eyelashes down towards their cheeks. Jeff was trying hard to keep his eyes open, wanting the illusion that he had no eyelids but failed miserably.

The 2 soon melted into each others passion, trying to mold themselves closer together. Jeff settled himself in Jacks lap having his hands gripping the carnies fluffy feather epaulettes. Jack wrapped his long sleeved arms around the boys hoodie covered waist.

The feeling of fluttering in his stomach increased as he tangled his slim fingers through Jacks obsidian hair loving the silky feeling of the twisted locks beneath his fingertips.

The same quivering was happening to Jack as their passion began to increase by the moment. His tears and Isaac are long vanished from his eyes and thoughts. The teens idea he had picked up worked as Jack was feeling more than better.

The 2 who were currently sucking face were suddenly forced apart as a knock on the mahogany door interrupted and Jeff got off Jacks lap and answered the door with a pale blush on his face. He was face to face with the bitch he knows as Jane behind her mask.

"What?" Jeff spat harshly at the girl who held a repayment towards him for killing her family.

"Are you the reason why I got stuck with a candy cane?" Jack got pissed because Jane was referring to Jill and stepped forward with a ruthless cruelty held in his lifeless ash coloured irises.

"No she wanted to be with you." Jack grabbed the wall outside the door frame and drugged his claw like fingernails across it. Anger seething from him. Jane got scared behind her soft smiling mask and calmly told him.

"No it's just Jeff likes to do the kind of thing where he mixes Slenders files so I thought I'd confront him about it." Jack loosened his grip of the door frame and receded back into the room, his wrathful stare still casted on the masked girl, not trusting her. The girl only shrugged and sighed gently, walking to Jills room and knocked on her door.

The sound of a door opening and a light squeal of excitement was enough to know that his sister was awake and Jack didn't trust Jane with her frail emotions.

Jeff interrupted his thoughts with him sitting back on Jacks lap, in the position before they were interrupted. Jack looked up and letting Jeff lean towards him so he didn't jab him with his sharp cone nose and once again collided lips in a light gentle kiss.

While in Jills room the two girls were discussing about their pasts and Jane brought up Jack into the conversation telling her about the incident at the door, she responded with a giggle,

"Jacks always been overprotective of me heheeh~ she giggled loudly but not loud enough for the new lovers were in a gentle lip lock to hear her.

"Well, I just thought you were lovers or something.." Jill looked towards her company and chuckled with glee.

"Not at all he's my brother, actually if can you stay right here I want to check on him." Jane couldn't say no to her puppy dog face and let her go.

Jill crept over to her brothers room and opened the door to see that nobody was there. Jane said about an incident and Jill kept going until she was in front of Jeffs room, seeing the jagged claw marks that lead to the door showed her that her brother was in this room.

Jill opened the door with absolute silence and gazing at the sight of her brother sucking face with Jeff. She was shocked at first and inaudibly closed the door as to not draw attention towards herself. But the moment she did she ran into her brothers room picked up one of his pillows and screamed her glee into it.

She hoped for Jacks happiness as she left to go meet with Jane closing her brothers door while chucking during the process.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2017 ⏰

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