Chapter XIX: Awake

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Without hesitation, I drank the pill ready to fight from the moment the Nomous appeared.

"Hey, you prepared?" Dabi smirk as I rolled my eyes. Such a fucking show off.

"I was prepared for a long time, I was waiting for you." I replied, probably cockily but who cares really? He started it.

"Seriously, you're fighting in a time like this?" Kirishima uttered, stretching his arms. Smiling at himself, as he seems ready to turn his unbreakable mode on. As much as I was againts him fighting, since this is probably the second pill he gets today. He wouldn't be stopped, I knew him far enough to conclude that.

Even the risk of being expelled from Yuuie was ignored because of his desire to protect me.

"We'll clear the way for you, get Shigaraki's head." Todoroki uttered, ice growing beside him, the Nomou that was about to attack him got hit on the head. Flying away from him.

"We'll distract him, get him, All Might is planning to take those big ass nomous and take Kurogiri down." Iida stated, although I'm pretty sure he's againts this to. He's too earnest, he sticks to the rules and ethics of heroics too much. It's almost annoying.

When I found out that he slapped Deku once I was ready to punch him back but Deku stopped me.

"The heroes will be againts this, but we're trying to understand your feelings here." Yaoyorozo said this time, a gigantic gun over her hand. I grinned, excited about the things that are about to happen.

"Alright then." As I uttered that, I punch a weak ass Nomou on the face, later grabbing it's throat, making it explode. The head flew off the body.

It didn't take a split second for me and Dabi to leap forward simultaneously, some Nomous were taken down, either I making it explode or him burning their flesh to ashes.

I gritted my teeth seeing a gigantic one on my way.

As much as I was worried of the heroes being beaten around, I need to concentrate on Shifaraki, none of this will be over as long as that bastard is standing.

He needs to die to get all of this over with.

"You're going to die today you motherfucking scumbag!" I screamed, charging at him as he glance at me. From the time he did I found myswlf landing into my own room.

What on earth? Did he teleport me back to my house at a single glance? With all his quirk I just couldn't tell.

What surprised me however was that the outside of the house was filled with ambulance and police cars. Hesitant, I ran outside, finding that I was wearing my jogging pants and a black shirt.

What on earth happened to my hero costume?!

By the time I got out of the house, I heard loud murmurs and an ear piercing cry. My mom sobbing at the balcony of the house.

"M-mom." I couldn't bring myself to insult her. Yet she glared at me, I was surprised that she slapt me.

"What did you do?!" She screamed as my heart started to race wildly seeing the ambulance. Auntie Inko was crying beside a stretcher, a body covered with a white cloth over it.

"What did you do!!!" She screamed again, my lips beginning to tremble. I push her away, trying to get the conclusion out of my mind.

"What on earth is going on?!"

"She's dead! She's dead! Because of you!" My heart sank hearing that, and I knew inmediately who she meant.

"What were you doing you little bitch? What have you been doing to her! She had slits all over her wrist and she hanged himself! Didn't I told you ro stop making fun of her? Didn't I?!" My lips were trembling, eyes feeling hot, the tears threatening to fall. I was just all silent as she gave me a note.

"Katsuki... Katsuki,... Where did I go wrong? Where?" She sobbed, as I look down at the letter.

I'm sorry...

I gasp immediately recognizing the handwriting, my breathing going uneven.

I was tired of being quirkless...

No. No, no! She can't be dead! She can't be dead...

I was tired of being useless...


I ran off from then.

No way... No way... It can't be my fault... It can't be my fault....

I didn't kill her...

I didn't want it.

No way, no way.

"It's your fault."


"You're horrible."

"Did you really dream of becoming a hero?"

I bit my lower lip, the rain falling eventually.

"You killed her!"

"I DIDN'T!!!" I screamed, wiping the tears, as I continued running. The voices still ringing in my mind along with her pleas back then.

"It's not your fault."  I stop on my tracks seeing Deku in front of me. Standing at me, in her hospital gown, glaring at me.

"De-Deku...?" I wipe my tears away as she smiled, later giggling as she walk forward caressing my cheeks. I couldn't feel her hand but I felt warmth.

"I'm alive you idiot. I'm just sleeping." With her words the place where I was turned into nothing but darkness.

"Snapped out of it Kacchan."

"This isn't real..."

"This isn't real..."

"Wake up." My eyes flew open but I merely saw myself in another alley. I was horrofied seeing piles of body in front of me.

What the fuck?

"You're a villain."

"You're a villain."

"You're ment to kill her." I knew enough that the voices weren't for me but for someone else.


"Daniel!" I screamed, running around the alley, the bodies probably the people he killed before.

Those actually scared the shit out of me!

"Midoriya Daniel you better fucking answer me now!" I was running around frantically, my heart racing wildly.

And I saw him, the whole Midoriya family laying dead before him as he was pointing a knife at himself.

"DANIEL!" I screamed, jumping toward him, grabbing the knofe from his hand.  With that, the surounding began to change back into where we used to be.

I punch him.

"What the fuck!?"

"Just making sure you're back."

"You knew that I was obviously back!" I look away, as he was glaring at me, looking stupid with all the tears.

"Thanks anyway."

"Thank your sister first."


"Let's just go!" I uttered aloud, the war not even over.

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