i wrote this for you

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a heavy cocktail of tears mixed with the water from the shower. at 15 going on 16 i'm too young to get drunk so i just rip my veins out of my wrists and i'm high off life. 2 pills of xanax shoved in a lipstick tube, and i touch up in dainty neon-fluorescent bathrooms and truckstops, get fucked in a pick-up then pick up my bones off the floor. i'm so sorry about the mess.

manage to get home and watch sitcoms where exes are best friends and people find parking spots in new york. i jot down how nonchalant lovers are supposed to act and make sure to stick 2 fingers down my throat and 2 bullets in the back of my head so that i'm as pretty and as nonchalant as size 2 white bitches on sitcoms that have chips for lunch everyday.

my cheeks are too wilted to rose, "have i seen you here before?" probably in your dreams. i only text you past midnight after i've made sure that every man that passes me isn't you. the waves never pass.

ani i just want to say i love u when i was stuck while writing this i went back and read some of ur work u are so beautiful and incredibly talented angelhour

also rachel my wife starw0man while writing this v angry poem i thought about u and how u portray such heavy angst in ur work yet still manage to sound so poised and mature

also rosemother writingthewrnng idk what to tell u ladies other than u are all so magical and maybe u dont have any correlation to this certain piece but ur work and kind words are so inspiring and refreshing i love u babies

my period is late im a mess men aint shit

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