18. Something Else

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Amber is in the hospital after passing out at a party where she dreamt that Harry proposed, kissed her friend Emily, and that she was pregnant.

Her new friend Niall visits her at the hospital with some flowers, and all is well until his girlfriend shows up very angry.


{whole chapter in Amber's POV}

Who is that girl? I though Niall was single! I thought. Why do I even care? I have Harry! But I knew, that even though I had Harry, I still had hidden feelings for Niall.

I looked at Niall and he was still white as a ghost, and slightly shaking.

"H-hi El.." Niall said, slowly looking at the fuming girl.

"Hello Niall. May I ask why you skipped our date to bring this skank flowers?" The girl, who's name I guess is El, asked.

"She's not a skank! She-" Niall started, only to be interrupted by a nurse.

"Amber honey? The doctor sent me in to let you know that you're all good and you can head home! " the nurse said, a little too cheerily.

"O-okay" I stuttered.

I sat up, and tried to stand slowly, failing miserably. Niall noticed, and came closer to help me. I was thankful, but his girlfriend wasn't. At all.

She started to object, when Niall spoke up.

"El, leave. " Niall ordered, and I could tell that he meant it. Apparently she could too, because she left the room with a sigh, but not before throwing the roses at him.

Niall looked awkwardly at me, and turned around so I could change out if the hospital gown. Then he gathered all of my stuff, and drove me home.


When we got to my house, I was relieved that Harry wasn't there. As much as I hate to admit it, I want some alone time with Niall.

I unlocked my door, and it was silent. Until Niall opened his mouth.

"Amb, what do you have t' eat?m' starving!" Niall exclaimed, looking frantically for the fridge.

Since I was just discharged from the hospital, Niall insisted on helping me around, even though I am completely fine.

"Helping me" meant to Niall that he would link arms with me, and take me with him everywhere. So I was dragged all over the house, while he looked for the kitchen.

We went to the kitchen, and I laughed as Niall ate the first thing he saw, which happened to be a bag of Oreos, which he devoured in less than a minute.

"Niall, you don't need to stay, I'm fine. " I said, but he walked over and plopped on my couch anyways.

" I'm staying, you just got out of the hospital! " Niall said, talking slowly so I could understand him, because of his thick Irish accent.

"What movie do you want to watch?" Niall asked, looking through my embarrassingly large movie collection.

"Lets watch.. Mean Girls." I said, smirking at Niall as I made some popcorn.

"Or.. we could.. do something else.." Niall said, winking.

I'm sorry this is sooo short, I'm studying because I have a huge test next week (state tests) and I'm super busy. I'm going to update a longer chapter tomorrow, this was just a filler.

Haha Niall broke up with her!! Should Niall and Amber get together? Or should she stay with Harry? Comment below :)

Also, this book is almost over, so I should be posting the sequel soon so you can add it to your libraries and stuffs.

Oookayy byeee :)

Xx Tasha

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