Chapter 6

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A/N: Carin and Kat are on top. Savannah, Taylor, and Anabel are on the bottom

Jillian POV

Carin, Kat and I were on our way to the pack house. I had a bad feeling in my gut like something bad was going to happen. I just tried to let go of the bad vibes I was getting. I mean my gut had never been wrong before but maybe just going to the pack house was throwing me off. I mean I had never liked it there in the first place. When we had meetings (when I went to them) I always hated how packed it would get in there. I mean I hated them I always felt out of place if that makes sense.

My thoughts were interrupted by Carin turning off the engine to her car. Kat practically threw her door open and ran towards the entrance. She loved parties. Carin and I just laughed as we got out her car. The music was blaring loud making even the glass windows move to the beat. Good thing the pack house was deeper in the woods than the rest of everyone houses. I mean everyone could probably hear it for miles away.

We slowly walked up to the house. Sure I hadn't seen everybody in years but god everyone changed since I last remember. As we were walking in the building. Practically everyone was clung to someone else's face. I just walked by them all. I looked for my brother to see if he was still himself or he was being a jerk to people. I mean we did grow apart in the 4 years that kind of blurred by. I didn't even really remember who he was before. I stopped in my track. I didn't even remember who was my brother? Better question who was I? I didn't remember, what was this? Who had I become? I don't really remember.

I was pulled from this depressing thought to this beautiful smell. I mean it was like warm ocean breeze wait no a forest after a rainstorm. Why would a pack full of sweating people smell like that? I decide to keep wondering. I swayed in an out of the crowds. It seemed the more I wandered around the more lost I felt. I had been in this house so many times before. I should be able to get through this maze of people. I relaxed and let my senses lead me straight to my brother and some girl almost tugging at each other's cloths. I looked closely to try and see who it was.

I looked at the details of the dress. Oh, my goddess! It was Kat. Kat and my brother doing it on a wall in the middle of the pack house. I was going to be sick. You see they always hated each other. See them at the length of pulling their clothes off just made my stomach turn. I looked around and found the deck door. What was funny was it was empty no one around. I couldn't believe it. Usually, you think that people would have wondered out here and brought the party with them. I mean there was a pool out here so why wouldn't there be people jumping in.

But I was also glad. It meant I was alone. Even if the music was as loud as it was. I could still feel the peacefulness out here. I relaxed and took in the sight around me. The stars so high in the sky. The smell of the woods made me happy. When I was little I use to wander in the woods. There was a waterfall in at the back of the pack land.

I sat there and let the time pass by. I got tired of it finally and walked back in. As soon as I opened the door. People came running out of the house. I moved out the way as they all charged out. Most of them started stripping down to their underwear and jump in the pool. I mean it not like it was cold so no one was going to sick or anything. So as soon as I could I wandered back into the house. I swayed through the people. I hated parties for this reason alone. I had gotten thirsty and I didn't trust these people enough to just pick up some random.

I walked to the kitchen. I opened a cabinet a pulled out one of the cups and turned the sink on and put water in the cup. Suddenly I got a chill up my spine. I turned to see some guy with black hair. Practically drooling everywhere. He walked up and kissed me.

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