Buster (Lady & the Tramp)

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~ FYI you are half wolf and half dog. Also you have known Buster forever, that also means you know Tramp.~

(Y/N) P.O.V.

"Oh come on Angel don't be like that you know that your my top girl," smirked Buster. Oh Buster he was a sly dog and a handsome one at that! I mean how could Angel not be happy? I mean if I were in her paws I would be the happiest dog out there. 

"I'm not your girl!" Angel exclaimed at Buster while she jumped to the couch. 

"Ugh," I sighed once I put me head back down on the chair arm. This dog is getting on my nerves I mean she should be grateful that he actually cared to pay attention to her. 'Its probably because she is so flawless with her smooth fur, curly tail, and perky ears," I though to myself. 

"Mademoiselle (Y/N) are you alright?" My head snapped up and into the direction of the french voice, to see Francois on my left looking at me in concern. 

"I'm alright Francois," I replied. "Just got a few things on my mind." Then set my head back on the air of the chair. 

"No (Y/N) you are not alright. You should tell him," Francois stated to me. He then added, "It will only get worse if you don't tell him."

"Why would he chose me when he could have her?" I asked with a sneer. "I will never be like her and he only wants her so what is the point?"

Francois sighed, "It is your chose and I will respect it, even if it is a stupid one." I sighed while I watched him go, 'why would he want me went he could have her?'

-Time skip to after Scamp and Angel's date-

I watched as Scamp and Angel walked down the street. She actually looked happy also in love and Scamp looked at her with such love and passion in made my heart throb. I have never seen Angel this happy and she deserves it, her life has been hard with all the different owners and such. And with this it gave me hope for a life with Buster... 

Wait if Buster found out about these two he would kill Scamp, especially once he finds out Scamp is Tramps son! Yes I know about Scamp being Tramps son. Scamp looks exactly like Tramp when he was a pup! Buster may be easy on the eyes but sometime I swear he has no brain! 

My heart filled with pity and regret for the two, its clear as day that they are mates just as Lady was for Tramp. I silently swore to myself that I would not let anything happen to these two, even if that means facing Buster by myself. With that in mind I turned my gave away from the two and walked back down the ally praying that the day that Buster finds out would never come. And also finding it funny that at one moment I hate Angel for being with Buster only now I know she has found someone she truly loves and wanting to help her get her happy end so I can hopefully have mine.

3 P.O.V.

Unknown to (Y/N) Buster and Francois where on the other side of the street watching Scamp and Angel. 

-Time skip to after Scamp is the ally with Tramp-

(Y/N) P.O.V.

"So here we again just like old times, before you turned your back on everything that makes a dog a dog." stated Buster while walking around Tramp.

I growled, "Careful Buster on what you say." I warned. Buster gave me a surprised look, like he had no idea he did anything wrong. I love Buster I do but insulting a friend who left this life for a better one, one full of love was something I do not appreciate. 

Tramp turned his head to me and smiled, "Hey (Y/N), Scamp causing any trouble for you?" I motioned my head indicating no, with a chuckle. 

"Enough! Leave (Y/N) out of this!" barked Buster while he glared at Tramp.

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