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Annie's pov:I don't want to see the text so I just turn my phone of and leave it on my bed.I go downstairs and see Hayley watching tv so I go and sit next to her.

Hayley's pov:I was watching tv when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs I turn around and see it's just Annie she looks a little upset and she doesn't have her phone with her for the first time in forever.She comes and sits next to me on the couch.
Hayley:Hey Annie are you ok ?
Annie:Yeah Hayley im fine....
Hayley:Annie I know you something is wrong.
Annie:Yeah something is wrong .....
Hayley:What's wrong Annie you can tell me.
Annie:Well Katie hates me
Hayley:Omg how weren't you guys bffs
Annie:I taught we were she got all mad because i dint text her when I was in LA and Canada.Then she said I hang out way too much with my LA friends.

Hayley:I'm really sorry Annie.You should try talking to Katie she can't stay mad forever you guys have been friends for years!
Annie:Thanks Hayley I'll go text her right now.
Hayley:Ok wait Annie have you packed yet ?
Annie:Yeah im all done hbu?
Hayley:Yeah mom packed for me.
Annie:Oh ok bye Hayley
Hayley:Bye Annie

I go upstairs into my room and grab my phone I turn it on and go text katie.
    Annie and Katie's text convo
Annie🙄🙄:Hey Katie I know you hate me but I just wanted to say I'm really sorry I promise I'll text u everyday when I'm in LA and Hawaii I love you and I don't want to loose you 😭
Katie💕😘:Aww Annie im really sorry.Tbh I was just jealous you were making so many new friends and you were going to forget about me....
Annie💗😘:I would never forget about you Katie.
Katie💕😘:Thank you Annie I gtg but I'll text you later.
Annie💗😘:ok Katie bye 💗💗
Katie💕😘:Bye ❤️❤️

I feel relieved that I'm good with Katie know.I get a other text.I go check and see it's from Hayden.Omg I totally forgot he texted me yesterday.I see the text he sent me yesterday and it says "hey Annie I really like you like a lot"
And then the second text says "Omg Annie I just saw this I'm really sorry that wasn't me that was Carson he had my phone yesterday.
    Annie and Hayden's text convo
Annie😎💜:Lol its fine Hayden
Hayden💜🙃:Ok thanks Annie.
Annie😎💜:No problem.

Why would Carson sent me that.Those he think Hayden likes me or was he just messing around ? I go outside and Jump on the trampoline.

More drama coming soon..
Oh and I'm the author of the other book Hayden and Annie and I did say I would do part two on here but I'm not anymore in case you guys really want me to I'll do part two after I'm done with this book so yeah.

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