Late night walk?

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Hayden's pov:I see Annie roll her eyes as I'm walking away from the table.She notices that I'm looking at her and just looks at me. I motion for her to come over and she gets up and goes to where I am.When she gets here I say what's wrong Annie ? And she just says you should probably get that pointing at my phone ringing.Uhh yeah I say.I answer  it and she walks back to the table.I talk to Kenzie for a few minutes then go back to the table I sit back in my  spot next to Annie and she just ignores me the whole time just on her phone.Why is she so mad I dint do anything.Its 11pm and we're all tired so we go back to the hotel everyone is saying goodnight I wanted to say good night to Annie but she just said good night to Brooke and rush and then went straight into her room.I say goodnight to everyone else then go into the room.Everyone is asleep and I'm still awake it's 1 am but I can't sleep.Im thinking of anything  I could of done to get Annie mad at me but I can't think of one.I text Annie to see if she's still awake
Hayden💜😎:Hey you awake ?
She just reads it and doesn't  answer.So she's awake but probably just doesn't   want to answer.I go to the door we're are rooms are connected and open it I nock on her door gently so I don't wake anyone up.I hear the door open and see Annie standing there.Hey I whisper what do you want she whispers back.Are you mad at me I don't know anything I did to make you mad I say with a sad face.Hayden I'm not mad at you I was just in a mood.Oh..well do you wanna go for a walk? Hayden it's 1am are you crazy ? Come on Annie it will be fun.Your a bad influence on me sumerall  haha I know but you love it totally I say sarcastically.I laugh and go into Annie's room I close my door and then hers  we go out the door and start walking.

Sorry for not updating I was busy but I hope you guys like this update Im gonna make it more interesting so stay tuned oh and make sure to follow my fan account it's called @hannie.fam 💗

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