The Pirate Queen (One piece,Naruto and A little Fairy tail)

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haaa i cant believe it i'm doing it again ,i'm working for alvida-sama ,i'm such a coward i cant even try to escape because i'm too afraid to think of the consequence that will happen if alvida's pirates catch me trying to escape.  

''COBY!!'' ohh no that's alvida-sama what does she want i thought as i went to her side

''y-y-yes! alvida-sama!'' i said ''coby who is the most beautiful woman on this sea!?!'' alvida asked ''w-w-w-well that will be you o-of course'' i said while i was shaking with fear ''HAHAHAH good answer coby'' she said while the other pirate were laughing 

''listen we are going to rob the tourist boat over there any minute ,so get ready, i want you to take all their loot !! AM I CLEAR!?!?'' she shouted '' Y-Y-Y-YES!! ALVIDA-SAMA'' everyone shouted together because they didn't want do get hit .

everyone got aboard the ship, but like always i didn't want to have anything to do with it so alvida came to me and yelled at me to get going, after being sent flying i went to the kitchen and there i found a huge barrel ''must be a wine barrel ,i should bring it to alvida-sama'' then some of her crew members came ''hey coby are slaking again on the job !?'' one of the man asked ''n-n-no of course not ,i was just bringing this huge wine barrel to the ship!'' i said ''a wine barrel you say? hey guys you know i'm a little thirsty ,why dont we open the barrel and drink some'' the other two said that it's a good idea,''but what about alvida-sama?! what if she finds out that you drank some of the wine'' i yelled at them then the first guy draw near me and said ''alvida wont find out if you wont tell her,got it?'' he threatened me ,i nodded my head really fast and said ''o-o-of course not '' with fear clear in my voice.

the guys were about to open the barrel when suddenly a person came out of it and yells ''what a great nap'' and in the process knockout the guy that planned to open the barrel while i fell on the floor from the sound .

i cant believe it someone just come out of a barrel i was really shocked ,but not as shocked when i saw a girl about the same age as the boy come out as well . she is perhaps the most beautiful woman he has saw so far.she has pastel pink hair that wraps her face in a beautiful way that makes her look like a celestial being and stops a little after her knees,her eyes are the color of ice blue,she also has white porcelain doll's skin whitout a scratch and natural pink lips with a little blush on the cheeks and she's wears a short kimono (pic on the side)

once i realized i was staring i begin to blush,but the men dont seem to notice her ,the boy then looks around and sees the one that he knockout and ask ''who are you guys '' and they yell at him ''who the hell are you!'' ''he'll catch a cold if he sleeps here '' he said '' you'r the one that knocked him in the first place , never that let's just kill him and get it over ''.

they poll swords and are about to hit him when his not looking but then suddenly the sword are cut to half ,they look around do see what did that when a voice says ''it's not fair to attack a person from behind when his not looking''.

i look to see it was the girl that came out of the barrel and she has a bloodlust atmosphere around her for a second while holding a sword but then it disappears and she puts the sword away.

the pirates look at her in fear and than ask her and the guy with the straw hat ''what's your name'' with fear,''my name is Monkey D .Luffy '' luffy-san says with a smile on his face ''and my name is Tsukiyomi D.Luna '' luna-chan says luffy-san then punches the other two pirate and says ''that for trying to hit me from behind !!'' they quickly pick the third pirate from the ground and runaway screaming ''monster'' 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2014 ⏰

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