Hansel And Gretel

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***Ben's POV***

"Sir? We had an odd mishap last night and we don't know how to get home." I say holding Kayla's shaking hand. This is a lot like a horror movie her and I tried to watch that's why she so scared I bet. I sweep her into a bear hug

"Oh really? Well I don't have a phone but why don't you come in for some tea and coffee and see what we can do for you." the man bellows. We follow him into his small cabin. You can see everything from the doorway. A large red rug, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen appliances, a couch and a wooden kitchen table with four chairs surrounding it.

"May I use your bathroom?" Kayla asks quietly

"Of course" the man bellows as he puts a tea kettle on the stove and the coffee boiler on

"Well I am Ben, this is Cameron, James, Danny" I said pointing to each of them "and Kayla, who is in the loo"

"Hi, Im General." He replies

"Army?" James asks

"WW2" General says sternly

"Sweet. My grandpa was in that too" James said as General took the pot off the burner and Kayla left the bathroom

"You okay?" I whisper

"Yeah, I get bad hangovers" Kayla whispers back. General hands us each some tea and coffee and sits down with us at the large, brown couch.

"So where do you guys need to go?" General asks

"Um downtown Bismark, North Dakota." Kayla pipes up.

"Well thats a bit of a far walk. How did you guys stray so far" he asks we all just blankly stare, none of us know

"We don't know" Kayla asks "Where are we?"

"About two hours walk outside of Bismark" General says

"Well thats not too bad" James said being optimistic

"Not bloody bad! Its bloody terrible" I says hysterically

"Dude chill. It's not James fault" Kayla says massaging my shoulder

"Well I wish I could help more" General says coldly "but he only was you will get back to Brismark is walking."

Kayla gets up and goes to the bathroom again to vomit again. I suppose I can hold her hair back.

***Josh's POV***

"Hey you've reached Kayla leave a message at the beep" I called Kayla's phone at least 87 times. She's been gone for two days

"Dude take your mind off of it" Kyle says passing through and right off the bus.

I click on the TV to that obnoxious news lady with the unibrow.

"The boys of Asking Alexandria and Ben's girlfriend, Kayla, has gone missing two days ago. After a night out on the town they got drunk at Mccraig's Bar and left. No one has seen them since. If anyone sees them, please contact police, this is still a missing persons case"

"I can't just sit here" I say getting up and grabbing some vodka.

***Kayla's POV***

We've been walking for hours in the direction he pointed us in but it seems to do no good.

"It's getting dark. I'm ready to build a fire and call it a night" James said

"Oh bloody boy scout over here doesn't even want to get home" Danny yells

"Guys chill" I say

"Yeah Danny. We shouldn't walk in the dark" Ben says

"Sorry man" Danny says to James

We sit down and James builds a fire and we just laugh.

"Okay lets figure this out how did we get into the woods" Danny states

"Last thing I remember is that damn Mary Jane Ben brought" James laughs

"Yeah but...um the creek?" Cameron says

"Wait! explain" Ben says

"Well Kayla wanted to go skinny dipping and we all just had things everywhere" Cameron says

"No one touched Kayla right" Ben says angrily

"Haha yeah..." the boys said rubbing their heads.Lies. I hurt everywhere. Something happened

"Oh yeah, I remember getting out of the creek that night." Ben says "Cameron throw our clothes at Kayla and I because we were getting into it."

"I think James and I were too..." Danny says

"I definitely threw clothes at James and Danny" Cameron said

"So what happened after the creek" James says directing away any questions about Danny

"I remember climbing up that tree at the edge of the forest" Cameron says

We continue talking til we can't remember anymore.

The next day I wake up on Ben's chest.

"Bloody hell I need boos." Danny says rubbing his head

We get up and walk for about another hour.

"Guys. You hear that?" I say. "A road! I hear cars!" I shout

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