[ epilogue: after laughter ]

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she and Taehyung,
an actress and an actor.

they're so good on-screen
and they portray given characters well.

they act so natural.
they act like
everything's not scripted.

how about off-screen?

do they act naturally with life's given script and fate's playful scenes?

do they say words spontaneously
or react on things the way they do on-screen adlibs?

everybody wants to know.
everybody wants to hear.
what's her and Taehyung's story?

a year has passed and it seems their tandem has a positive feedback from netizens and an unforgettable impact.

their tandem crazily became demanding because of a movie.

❝ it's actually crazy that they're following me everywhere i go. sometimes some people would approach me and take pictures, sometimes they interrogate me if Taehyung and i were a thing. ❞ she once said on an interview.

❝ hm, i feel something. something strange and special. i don't know about her though. ❞ Taehyung once reacted to a fan on a television's program during its live broadcast, slightly chuckling.

but what's happening off-cam and off-screen?

they can be seen together
when they go out.
they can be seen laughing,
being happy together.
they can be seen walking
late at night.

but actors and actresses
has a life like every other person.
they're not different.
them being popular doesn't change the fact that they're human.

and humans
has a time of misery
and sadness.

"Taehyung, can you pleaseㅡ"

"i'm not going anywhere, i'm staying."

"why do you even care?"

"am i not supposed to?"

"look, i want to be alone."

"we could be alone together."

"no, i'm not joking. get lost."

"i'm not joking either. you can cry, you know?"

welcome to her sudden bitter reality and her broken self.

Taehyung became more than a co-worker in the showbiz industry, he became a friend.
when she's with him, she laughs so hard. and most of the times it's hard to stop smiling.

Taehyung is laughter.
he is bliss and weird point of views and hugs and strange smiles.

but life isn't just about laughter. sometimes they spice up your life in the most painful way.

her parents just died a few days ago, it was even reported on television and newspapers and it's all over the internet. her social media accounts full of pity and condolences.

she stopped seeing Taehyung and any of her friends. she stopped talking to anyone. she locked herself in her house 'til Taehyung dared to let her know he cares.

"i don't have to tell you anything."

"i know and i'm staying here outside if you don't want me to enter your house."

"just go home, Taehyung."


a silence and pounding heartbeats; a pouring rain and tears.

Taehyung hugged her tight, carefully clutching her broken self.

"i'm staying no matter when." he whispered.

"you don't have to." she mumbled.

"shhh. and i don't care if you're not smiling or laughing." he said.

"even on rainy days
and after laughter."

everybody wants to know.
everybody wants to hear.
what's her and Taehyung's story?

their life

without scripts,
off-screen and off-cam

life and fate's
the writer and director.

this is them
she and Taehyung

not as an actress
not as an actor

not as the characters
they portrayed

in insane reality,

after laughter.

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