Eternal sleeping - coma

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~ This chapter will be in third person ~

After, y/n felt in coma, she was brought in hospital. The seven princes were there worried. Yuma asked:

- How did stuff happened?

Yusaku answered:

- Misako... I bet she did this.

Yusei said:

- But, Misako wasn't near y/n at all...

Yugi said:

- Probably she paid someone to do her dirty trick

Atem sigh saying:

- First we need to be calm. We can't do anything... She's sleeping...

Judai said:

- I'm trying to be calmed, but I can't. What should we do to wake her up? She's in fucking coma!

Yuya said sadly:

- We'll wait for her to wake up... Maybe...

Yuya soon noticed that his brothers came in the hospital. Yuto yell rushing to him with the others:


Yuya blinked asking:

- Yuto, Yugo, Yuri and even Zarc-nii... Why are you here?

Yugo answered:

- We were worried too... We heard what happened and we wanted to be with you.

Yuya nods saying:

- Thank you...

Zarc said:

- So, now we must pay visit to that bitch.

Yuri smirked nodding. Judai gulps saying:

- Yuya got some scary brothers, but I like them.

Zarc smirked saying:

- Judai... Haou can help too

Judai gulps saying:

- Okay... I'll let him know...

Others whispered confused who Haou is, but didn't mind. All were making plans about the evil Misako.


I hope you like it...

Next chapter is coming soon... ^^

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