The beauty competition - Finals

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                  Few weeks later, I come out from hospital. Because my princes were with me, they postponed the finals for today. I was there too. I heard that Misako was in mental hospital. Heh serves her right. I was in the waiting room. They were all there. One girl said:

- I wonder who will win.

Other girl said:

- Snow white, who else...

I sigh. I don't wanna win on that way... After a half hour waiting, the results were there. I was nervous. The MC said:

- And the winner is... Hikari Tsukishiro.

Everybody blinked surprised that I didn't won. I was happy. They kept their words not to pick me up.

~ flashback ~

- I don't want to win the contest. - I said to them.

Yugi-san asked:

- Why's that, y/n-san?

I answered:

- I wouldn't be fair...

Yusaku-san said:

- Yea fair enough... Well, you know that you'll always be our princess.

I blushed saying:

- I know that... 

Yusei-san said:

- Okay... Then we'll pick another girl. I think y/n is right.

Judai said:

- I agree.

Atem-san said:

- Me too.

Yuma said:

- If you all agree, then I agree too, guys.

We all nod smiling.

~ end of flashback ~

The red haired girl come out and said:

- Thank you. I'm so happy for picking me up to be the princess. 

Yusaku-san asked:

- So, what's your wish, Hikari-san?

Hikari answered:

- Everyone to be happy. I'm happy too.

They all nod smiling and then the big party came. It was fun. I was with my princes. I really love them. Soon... I'll visit the bitch Misako. The fun just began.


I hope you like it...

Next chapter is coming soon... ^^ 

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