Chapter 1: New start

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Becky: Lilly get up or your be late for school and you don't want to be late on your first day.

Lilly: ya because who would want to be late to that hell hole. NOT ME!

Okay I was being sarcastic at this last part, but honestly I hate school it's boring and I get picked on A LOT. It's not like I don't have friends I have a few but the mean girls hate me.

Becky: Come on Lilly it can't be that bad.

Lilly: you're right college is probably much worse. Why did I have to do grade 13

Becky: it is trust me so count your blessings. Also you needed to do that in order to get to the college you wanted to go to.

Becky always had a way of making me smile she has such a great way of finding the light in the darkest situations something I've lacked sense my mom died.

Lilly: okay Becky I'll get dressed.

Becky: thanks Lilly.

I put on a outfit and do my hair and makeup.

I put on a outfit and do my hair and makeup

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Once I'm finished getting dressed I go downstairs and have breakfast nothing fancy just an apple

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Once I'm finished getting dressed I go downstairs and have breakfast nothing fancy just an apple. Then my best friend Emma comes over and we get into her car. Last year we always drove to school together so why not the same this year. Emma was really pretty she had ocean blue eyes and dirty blonde curly hair LIKE really curly hair.  We get to school and she has to go to class. I have a free period with 2 of my other friend we are really close.

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