Death is The Destroyer of Desires

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"-Remind, for indeed the reminder benefits the believer." - (Dhariyat 51:55)

Abu Hurairah reported: The Messenger of Allah said: "Remember often the destroyer of pleasures."

Death, the destroyer of lusts and any desire

That can be the reason of residence in the fire

These desires that are partaken in constantly, without a worry in a world

That go against the word of the Lord

Living the good feeling of that moment

But that moment will soon end

Nothing lasts forever and nothing is guaranteed except death

Humans have always desired to outsmart or cheat death

About death we pay little mind to it and forget

when it's brought up we don't want to acknowledge it

in the moment we feel like we are immortal and death will never touch us

but every day that goes by, a piece of us is gone

we are clandestine hourglasses and our life is the sand

death is inevitable no matter who you are or what status you hold

when will the sand run out, we don't know

until that day comes

those lusts and desires you have that go against your Lord

just remember that with death, none of that will matter anymore

the only thing that will matter are your deeds

be prepared for what comes after death like you would prepare for a trip to another country

there is no YOLO because that YOLO won't matter when you're in that grave

God has created a cure for every disease except old age

But truly the home of the afterlife is the actual life, if only they knew" -Ankaboot (29:64).

Wherever you may be, death will over take you

Even if you are in fortresses built up strong and high" -Nisa (4:78)

You don't only live once, rather you live twice

"O' you who believe fear Allah as He should be feared,and do not die except in a state of Islam" -Al-Imran (3:102).

Until death comes to one of them he says 'My Lord,send me back so that I may do good in that which I have left behind'. No! It is but a word that he speaks and behind him is a barrier until the Day when they will be resurrected" (Surah Al-Mu'minoon23:99-100).

"Every soul shall taste death" -Imran (3:185)

"Let not then this present life deceive you" -Fatir (35:5).

"The mutual rivalry (for piling up of worldly things) diverts you, until you visit the graves (i.e. till you die)" - Takathur (102: 1-2).

"Those are they who have bought the life of this world at the price of the hereafter."  -Baqarah (2: 86).

"Nay, you prefer the life of this world; Although the hereafter is better and more lasting. Verily! This is in the former Scriptures, The Scriptures of Ibrahim (Abraham) and Moosa (Moses)." -A'la (87:16-19).

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