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The love of this world and all it has to offer [money, cars, houses etc.] diverts us and makes us forget that it is temporary enjoyment, that on the day we die none of it will matter because what can we take to our grave except our deeds?
This world is an illusion making us see that what it has to offer actually has value but in the end, it really doesn't.
People save up wealth for retirement
Are we saving up our deeds for death?

Please always contemplate death to keep your soul on its toes. None of us know when our soul will be taken. Most of us, we live confident we'll see tomorrow. Tomorrow is not guaranteed but death definitely is.

How many people have died thinking that that day was their last? Just think about it.

Always and constantly make du'aa to Allah

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2018 ⏰

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