The Talk

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I couldn't get up the stairs quick enough. The heat I felt on my face was nearly burning as the scene painfully replayed itself, over and over again in my head. Once I made it to the top, I pushed myself off of the ground and made a beeline for the room.

I shut the heavy door with a loud slam and locked it behind me as I slid down its smooth dark wood. I burried my face in my hands as I fell into a state of pure self-hatred at my stupidity, (which had seemed to worsen as the days went by).

God, why didn't I just put on some pants before I went down!? Or at least brought down the damn blanket!?

I would've continued to dwell on my careless mistake, but a knock on the door brought me out of my pity-party.

"Aniley?" Even with the door between us, I still felt the deep timbre of his voice vibrate through the barrior, and my spine did that funny tingling thing again. Despite the pleasurable sensation that spread throughout my body, I didn't answer back. I continued to sit on the floor with my head hiding behind my forearms that rested on top of my knees.

None of this would have happened in the first place if he had at least had the decency to find me some pants. The thought of my bare legs, my bare, hickey covered legs, seen by all those people, made me groan out loud.

"Ooh, that was hot. Can I hear that again?" his tone was playful, but I did not want to entertain his antics so I continued to give him the silent treatment. I heard him let out a sigh and he knocked on the door again.

"Look, can you please open the door? We need to talk," all hints of amusement gone, replaced with a more serious tone.

When I didn't answer he kept going. "If you don't open the door in five seconds I will break it down myself.


He couldn't be serious.


Is he being serious?



Before he had the oppurtunity to knock the door off its hinges, I sprung up and opened it in record time.


He was smiling down at me with his arms crossed over his broad chest, and a cocky grin that I wanted to swipe off of his handsome face. I was tempted to slam the door again. But I didn't.

"What do you want to discuss?" I mustered up the best stance I could, mimicking his crossed arms as I raised my chin.

The grin melted into a smaller smile as he spoke in a gentle voice, "Let's go talk on the bed."

Of course, I thought. Immediately I reached for the door and was in the process of making wood meet his nose, but his stupid hand beat me to it.

"Wait! I didn't mean it like that," I eyed him skeptically while keeping my hand on the door. "Honest," he put his free hand over his heart and looked at me with a somewhat desperate expression. The word "please" might as well be tattooed on his forehead.

Sighing, I released the door and made my way over to the king-sized bed. I could hear the sound of the lock finding the frame, and James walking inside the room behind me. I was making myself comfortable as I took my seat against the bed frame, while he sat right in front of my extended legs. His gaze flickered to my exposed thighs and then back up to my face, which was getting hot again. Despite the growing heat in my body, I stuffed myself under the thick comforter of the bed and focused on my twiddling thumbs resting on top of the covers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2018 ⏰

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