A Sweet Escape?

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His lips moved hungrily against my own as I struggled to get free from his embrace. He was holding me so tight that my arms were felt paralyzed. So I did the only thing I could do.

I bit him, hard, until I tasted blood.

He cried out in pain as his hold on me loosened, which gave me a chance to flee. I pushed him as hard as I could have, and with luck on my side for once, I managed to push him out of the way.

I stumbled out of the bed and ran forward until I hit a wall. The room was pitch black, but that didn't stop me from running my hands along the wall until I felt a light switch.

My hand ran over something and then soon enough, the room was illuminated with light. It took my eyes half a second to adjust before I could fully see what was in front of me. Him.

He was standing right in front of me, blocking my way to the door behind him. He stood tall and intimidating...and shirtless. I was momentarily distracted by the way his muscles flexed and moved that I didn't notice how mad he looked. And he looked pissed.

His golden eyes were lighted with anger as he peered down on me.

I started to back away as he took slow steps towards me, like how a lion slowly approaches his prey before going in for the kill. And I was his next victim.


I couldn't let him cage me into the wall. Looking to the side I saw the bed and had an idea. My only hope.

He was one step away from it being completely over, for me. I had to act fast.

My heart was beating erratically in my chest as I mentally prepared myself. Right before he took the final step, I leapt on the bed, grabbed the blanket, and threw it over his head.

I took my chance as he was blinded and ran to the door. I nearly leapt for joy when I made it out into the hallway, but the footsteps coming hard and heavy toward the door kept me from reveling in my victory.

I ran to the left side of the hallway with all the power my legs could muster. At the end of the hallway I was met with some stairs to which I assumed led to the first floor. I quickly went down the stairs, skipping a few steps as I went, and nearly falling once I reached the bottom.

I looked at the top of the stairs to see a pair of glowing golden eyes, cutting into my soul.

Turning away, I ran into the next room looking for an escape. In the next room, I saw four to five guys. Very large guys, but not as large as the guy who kidnapped me. They all turned their heads at the same time to look directly at me, and they did not look happy.

My body was shaking from fear and adrenaline pumped through my system. Looking to the right, I saw the door, the door that would grant me my freedom.

Without a second thought I ran straight towards it as I heard the other guys coming behind me. I pushed open the door and ran out into the night.

The moon was full and brightly glowing in the star filled night sky which gave me enough light to see in the dense woods. I had no idea where I was heading, I had absolutely no sense of direction. But I knew I had to keep running straight.

The sound of multiple footsteps were pounding hard behind me as I ran though the forest.

I dodged roots underneath my feet and I ducked low branches that tried to block my path. But no matter how fast I moved or how many things I managed to dodge, they were able to keep up, unfazed by all the obstacles that came both of our ways.

My lungs burned and my feet were sore and I saw no sign of any other human life. I was quickly losing hope until I saw a road ahead of me. I picked up my pace and headed to the road.

Once my shoes hit the blacktop I immediately looked both ways, looking for a light. Just up the road, two headlights came to vision and my heart pounded with joy.

I ran to the car, frantically waving my arms around in the air as I screamed at the driver to stop. The car came to a stop as the driver's window opened.

The driver appeared to be a girl who looked around my age. She had big blue eyes and honey colored hair as straight as a pin.

"Are you okay?" She asked in a concerned voice.

I couldn't reply, I could only shake my head.

"Well, get in. I'll just take you to my place for now. If that's alright with you," she said comfortingly.

I nodded as a reply. Quickly getting into the backseat, I slammed the door shut. As soon as I closed the door she hit the pedal hard. We were speeding onto the road until a few figures quickly jumped in our way. We both let out a shriek as she expertly turned the steering wheel, avoiding my kidnappers.

Once the car was driving straight again, we both let out a breath. Not able to resist, I turned in my seat to look behind us.

I was met with a pair of pain stricken golden eyes that held my eyes as we drove off into the night.

Unable to hold his intense gaze, I turned away. Something inside me was begging my body to turn around, to get out of the car and jump into his arms. But logic and sense held me still in my seat.

The further we drove away, I felt a pain grow slowly in my chest. Not a physical pain, but a pain so intense that I felt tears escape my eyes at the unknown sadness that seemed to hurt me inside.

We drove in silence only the sound of the radio filling car.

And somewhere in the distance a single howl erupted from the trees as I lost my last hold on reality. And soon, my dreams were haunted with the one man whom I thought I wanted to escape.

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