Chapter 22: Death is the answer

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A few nights later,Cole hasn't been crying himself to sleep too much.
He's been going to Nya a few times and she's been telling him advice about his brother so Cole could have a shot with Kai.

Cole started to eat a bit more,cry less,and he stopped cutting himself.
The others were still cheering him up witch was starting to work for the less depressed earth ninja.

Him and the others visited Kai. He still hasn't woken up or anything. Cole and Nya would visit him the most. Sometimes Cole just went by himself.
He would just talk to Kai,even though he knew he couldn't here him,sob next to his body,or hug him.
The doctors didn't like it,cause when Cole was hugged Kai's body,the doctors thought it would be hurting him,so Cole got kicked out.
Witch Cole thought was stupid.

When it came to sleeping now,Cole didn't cry so much. He would sometimes,but the others would comfort him.
Sometimes he would sleep in Kai's hospital room,so when he woke up,he'd be there.

The nightmares kind of slowed down until one night,they all came back......

Cole was sleeping in his bed,not crying or anything,but than started to have a weird dream.

In Cole's dream,
Cole's POV
I woke up to see nothing around me.
Just darkness.
I didn't know what kind of dream this was,but I got suspicious.

I got up and walked around. I couldn't tell if I was going in circles. I then noticed I wasn't when I saw a dark,yet bright light ahead of me.
Like what anyone else would do,I started to walk towards it.

When I came close to it,a big bright light hit me. Than it went black again. I fell unconscious in my dream.

After awhile,I started to slowly open and close my eyes.
It the background,I herd screaming,and evil laughter.

Wait! I recognized the laughter!
When I completely opened my eyes,I saw the walls were covered in blood,bloody weapons,skulls,body parts,and.........KAI!!!

Morro was laughing as he saw Kai struggle and squirm. Trying to escape the straps holding him in place.

I was too shocked to do anything......

Morro than went over to a trash can,and lifted up the lid. What I noticed was that the trash can wasn't full of trash,it was filled with hot coals and nails.

Morro picked one up with a hammer,and walked over to one of Kai's ankles. He was ready to take aim.

"Morro,please! I'll do anything!" I herd Kai repeatedly beg,and pleading to be spared. But Morro ignored him.
I saw the hammer come down as quick as a blink,and the burning nail came down into Kai's ankle.

I herd Kai scream in pain and agony.
"PLEASE STOP!!!" Kai cried "PLEASE,PLEASE, STOP!!!" He begged.

Morro grabbed another nail and went to Kai's other ankle.

I wasn't going to let this continue!
I ran over to where I was. Before Morro smashed the nail into Kai's ankle,I got in front of him to stop Morro,but........the nail went right through me and it got Kai's other ankle.

I herd Kai scream louder.

I tried to attack Morro but nothing is working.

Suddenly,I felt someone grab me from my waist and a hand on my mouth.
I was dragged away and pulled into the stairway of the basement.

I was pinned down. I struggled to escape but I was only held down tighter. I even started to feel a bit of pain because I was held down tightly.

I looked to see who was holding me down......I felt my blood run cold as I saw that it was him......Morro......

"MORRO?! I thought I killed you!" I yelled with an unforgiving glare.
"I'm a ghost!" He hissed back.

"Leave Kai alone! I will go to stop you at the hospital!" He glared at him more "If I killed you once! I'll kill you again!" I spat and spit on Morro's face.

"AGH!!!" He said and wiped my spit off his face.
"Look! I don't want this harder than this needs to be!"
I felt his hand go through me......

I gasped and struggled more.
But before I could get away,his whole body possessed me.....

I couldn't feel a muscle.....
With no control,Morro forced me to get up and I went down the stairs....
I saw Morro wrapping wires around the nails in Kai's ankles. The wires were connected to a power box.
I tried to move but Morro was keeping me still......
I saw the wires were connected to a power box.
I turned my head away.
Morro stopped possessing me and forced me to look.
I saw the other Morro smirk and flipped a switch.....
The room started going black and white.
I could herd Kai scream more and even saw him struggled.

I started crying and sobbing loudly.
I was seeing my own crush being tortured right in front of me,and I couldn't do anything to stop it.

After 5 whole minutes,it finally stopped.

Morro let me go and I collapsed to the cobblestone floor in a puddle of my own tears.
I only cried harder.

Morro picked me up and slapped me!
But he was smiling.

"Kai is seeing the same thing right now! I'm forcing him to see himself being tortured until he wakes up! I can't kidnap him,or even tortured him. But I can still haunt him."
I felt like strangling Morro.

It then started fading into darkness...
"And,one more thing." He whispered into my ear.

I wanted to kill him over and over again after what I herd,but before I could do anything. I woke up.....
End of dream........

Cole shot awake.
Tears pouring down his face,his eyes blood shot from crying and sleeping,and was breathing heavily.

He looked around him to see his friends.

"Cole,are you ok?" Asked a worried Lloyd. I slowly nodded and wiped away my tears "Y-Yeah....."

"Are you sure?" Nya asked,being sure.

Cole nodded again "I'm sure. It was just a nightmare....." He said and started breathing normally again.

"Ok. If you need us to talk about anything,you can wake us up." Jay said and placed a hand on Cole's shoulder. Cole looked at him "We're worried for Kai just as much as you are." The blue ninja frowned. The others did too.
Still very worried about their friend in the hospital.

The others went back to bed and Cole closed his eyes.

Cole angered himself to sleep.
The words Morro whispered to him,haunted him,made shivers run down his spin,and make him more furious.

"Death is the answer......."

I Won't Allow Your Flame To Die (Lavashipping/Hurt/Comfort/Romance) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now