Chapter 23: I love you

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The next morning,Cole woke up in a cold sweat. Having another nightmare with Morro.....
Still very worried about Kai.

Cole threw the blanket off him and got up from bed. He had to see Kai. He could be awake right now and crying because of what he saw last night.
The ninja of earth quickly got on some clothes. Like usual,his black pants and dark grey hoodie.

He rushed out of the bounty and quickly walked into the hospital. Scared thoughts rushed through his mind and he felt like the world around him was turned black.
Cole was hoping that Kai would be awake by now. Even after what he saw last night. He'd watch lots of documentaries about hospitals and people in comas. In one it said that if one is scared so badly in a coma,it could kill him. (that's not true. Or at least I don't think so....) he was super scared about any news about Kai. If he had a turn for the worst. He would never wake up,breath,or move.
Cole cared about Kai too much. He'd miss him. And he'd never get to tell him how he felt.

"Hello,sir." A nurse said at the deck "Can I help you?" She asked. Cole nodded his head slowly "Can I see,Kai S-Smith?" He said. Trying to fight his cries. The nurse nodded "Just be careful around him."

"Is he awake?" Cole asked. Wanting to know any answers. The nurse sadly sighed and looked down "I'm sorry,but,he's still not awake." A tear slowly rolled down the depressed ninjas face "I fear if he doesn't wake up anytime soon,he could be dead."

Cole's eyes widened.

"No! There's got to be something else you could do!" He shouted at the nurse but she shook her head again "I'm sorry. But your friend has gone through too much." More tears began to fall down Cole's cheek "Will he be alright if he does wake up?" Cole asked. He doesn't want his last memory with Kai in his bed with several injures after he was done shouting at Jay "He will,but he will be in the hospital for awhile."

"O-ok...." Cole said and he then walked to the elevator as tears rolled down his face and onto the floor. Trying to fight his sobs.

He got to the floor Kai's room was on.
Some lights flickering on and off and a few doctors rushing around. It freaked Cole out a bit.

Cole opened Kai's hospital door slowly to not wake him. Like their was any risk in that.

More tears rolled down Cole's face.
Blood was being put into Kai's body by a machine,his heart monitor going really slow,a cast on his leg,tons of bandages on other leg,one of his arms with a cast,he didn't have a shirt on so he had a bunch of bandages to cover his scars and cuts,an air mask still on his mouth to help him breath,and new bandages on his old injuries.

Cole sat in a chair next to his bed and looked at Kai's body. He tried his best to stay strong for his friend.
Cole sighed as he looked at the ground. He looked back at Kai.

"Hey,Kai....I don't know if you can hear me....I'm glad if you can..." Kai didn't respond or move a muscle "The nurse said that if you don't wake up anytime soon,you could be dead....I don't want that to happen. You're my best friend and I don't want to go the rest of my life with you gone...." Kai still didn't move "Things aren't the same without you...Sensei doesn't talk too much,Nya is depressed,Lloyd became a wreck,Zane isn't himself anymore,and Jay has been very worried about you. He misses you being short tempered." Cole laughed a bit,but Kai didn't smile or still move. Cole stopped laughing "But anyways,you could still tell he was worried. I haven't been myself either. Our lives aren't complete without you.
There's still something I really want to tell you." Still.....Kai didn't move.

Cole frowned more and tried to fight his tears.  It was quite until Cole thought of what to say next "Hey,Kai. You remember when you thought you were gunna be the green ninja?" Cole laughed a bit but Kai stayed silent. Cole frowned more "Kai,when I yelled at you when you made a deal with Ronin,I'm sorry. I wouldn't have,but with Lloyd being possessed,you by yourself with Morro,and Morro now in Ninjago,I was just bottled up." Tears rolled down the ninjas face and landed on the floor
"Kai,I don't know if you remember this,but...remember when you hugged me after the Ninjago Talent show?" More tears escaped from Cole's eyes "I loved were so comfortable and warm to cuddle with. And I'd do anything to let it happen again...." Sobs started to escape from Cole.

Cole sobbed into his arms on Kai's bed as his sobs became louder and louder. Tears streamed to roll down his face quicker and trying to catch his breath between each sob "Please...Kai,I'm begging you!....wake up!" Cole managed to say between sobs.

Meanwhile,Kai herd a familiar voice and sobs. He opened his eyes slowly and look a bit to see Cole sobbing next to his arm on the bed. Covering his face.

Kai had the strength to lift his hand up a bit,but lost it and his hand landed on Cole's head.

Cole felt something touch his head...

He stopped sobbing and looked up to see what it was. Kai smiled a bit at him with his eyes half way closed,him taking off his air mask,and now rubbed Cole's head with his hand.

Cole smiled widely and hugged Kai tightly around his neck "You're ok!" Cole yelled with excitement. Kai hugged him back. He started laughing as tears of happiness rolled down his face. Cole did too.

"I missed you so much!" Cole said as he hugged Kai tighter "I missed you too!" Kai responded as he wiped his tears away.
Cole pulled away and still looked at Kai in his eyes as he still smiled widely

"Kai,there's something I want to tell you." Kai smiled more "What is it?" Cole took a deep breath "I......Love-" Kai grabbed Cole by his shirt collar and smashed his lips into his.

Cole's face turned red and his eyes widened,but he couldn't resist so he slowly closed his eyes and kissed back.
Cole put his hands on Kai's hips while Kai put his hands Cole's sides.

Cole smiled more and licked Kai's soft lips. Asking for entry in Kai's mouth.
Kai opened his mouth. Cole explored everywhere in Kai's wet cave and licked every inch inside making Kai moan.

Cole slowly pulled away and had their foreheads connected to each other. Both of their eyes half way closed and smiling "I love you too~" Kai whispered.
Cole smiled more and lowered his head as he started to kiss Kai's neck.

Surprisingly,instead of a moan,Cole herd Kai laughing and squirming.
"S-stop that!" Cole herd Kai laugh out and try to push him away. Cole understood what was going on and smiled more as he sucked on Kai sweet spot. Kai laughed harder.
Cole laughed a bit.
He then slowly closed his eyes as he took a deep breath. Kai looked at him weirdly. Cole made contact with Kai's neck and blew a raspberry on Kai's neck,making Kai bursting into laughter
"Cole! Stahahahahahaop!" Kai begged.
Luckily,Cole stopped and looked at Kai in his eyes "Now I know where you're most ticklish!" Cole said teasingly. Kai smirked and rolled his eyes
"I'm worst other places." He mumbled "I'm sure I'll find them soon!"
Kai laughed.

"I doubt it!" He playfully glared at Cole.
Cole pretend to look shock "I'm sure I will!" He smirked more,but Kai laughed "Whatever!" Cole laughed too and kissed Kai's lips and pulled away quickly.
Kai smiled more,Cole did too.

Cole then looked to the side of him to see a black sharpie. He smiled as an idea popped to his mind. Cole grabbed it and starting writing on Kai's cast on his arm. Kai giggled a bit "What are you writing?" Cole was done and he pulled away a bit for Kai to see.

Kai looked at it. It had a heart with it saying on the inside: Cole+Kai.
Kai smiled more "Cute." Cole smiled more and kissed Kai's nose.

Suddenly,Kai then rethought of the nightmare he had last night.
He frowned and looked down as he thought of Morro....

"Yeah?" Cole responded a bit worried as he saw Kai frown.
Kai looked up to look at Cole.

"Morro? Is he?....he?...." Cole sighed "He's gone for good,Kai. You don't have to worry about him hurting you anymore..." He said and hugged Kai tightly. Kai hugged back and smiled a bit.

Happy now that he was safe with the one he loved. They were finally together and he wouldn't have to suffer anymore.....

I Won't Allow Your Flame To Die (Lavashipping/Hurt/Comfort/Romance) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now