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*Ring ding dong ring ding dong*

Luhan groaned at the stupid alarm clock. Unfortunately, he's such a light sleeper that he wakes up at the slightest sound. Sehun, is not a light sleeper that's for sure. Almost nothing can wake him up.

Luhan rolled over to slam his hand on the alarm, but ended up overshooting it and rolled right off the bed with a loud groan. That, of course was one of the few things that woke Sehun up.

The first thing he heard after recovering was the thunderous sound of Sehun cracking up. He immediately frowned and jumped back into the bed. After what felt like 10 minutes of continuous ridicule, Luhan spoke up with an annoyed face.

"It's nice to know that the first thing my boyfriend does after waking up is laugh at me" Sehun immediately stopped.

"Oh eh....sorry lulu" he said and hugged his boyfriend. Luhan smiled at the warmth. He cuddled tighter until Sehun gasped loudly and clutched at his head. Luhan's head shot up to see that his boyfriend's face showed great pain.

"Sehun? Sehun are you ok? Sehun answer me!" Luhan pleaded, holding Sehun's arm and shaking it slightly. He only groaned as a response.

"I'm calling 911!" Luhan screamed. He got up to run to the kitchen when he was stopped. He looked back in confusion.

"Sehun? Why are you stopping me?! I need to get an ambulance!" But Sehun only muttered out 4 words.

"Run to the basement"

"What why? I need to help you!" Sehun looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Luhan, I know why I'm feeling this pain. Please just trust me and run to the basement. I need you to stay there and not make any sounds ok? Do you understand?" He said in a very firm voice. Luhan timidly nodded, still staring wide eyed at his lover. Sehun suddenly smiled a painful, broken smile, while clutching harder.

"I love you Luhan," he said, a single tear trailing down his face. Luhan cried and ran down the hallway. He looked anxiously around for the basement door. Once he finally found it, he opened the door and sped down the stairs. He hid himself in the darkest, farthest corner.

Breath in, breath out. Breath in, breath out


I waited and waited. The pain suddenly disappeared and there was a deathly calm. But I knew better. That just means that he's here. And so I stared at the door, ticking down the seconds until I would come face to face to the most powerful immortal there ever was.

"Hello Sehun. Miss me?" Ok Sehun, keep calm. He's here but he only has the advantage when you freak out. Stay strong.

After my self pep talk, I looked towards where the voice came from. Sure enough, there he was. The evil heir to the immortal world. Kyungsoo had arrived.

"Sehun, where's Chanyeol? When I came to the mortal world, I expected a real fight. Not just some petty boy to beat up" he said with a smirk. That smirk quickly fell when the door busted open and Chanyeol appeared.

"Here I am" he said and looked at me with an excited face. I jumped out of the bed and joined him.

"Two against one, Kyungsoo. We have the better numbers" I said. The tiny voice in the back of my head was screaming at me to ran down to the basement and hold my Luhan, but I knew that wasn't an option.

"Ah. That's where you're wrong. You see, you have the better numbers, but I have the better power!" And with that, he slammed Chanyeol against the wall. He struggled hard to fight, but Kyungsoo was draining his power quickly. I tried to help, but I was held back by some invisible force.

"You'll never win! We'll overthrow you soon enough! YOU WILL DIE" those were the last words Chanyeol screamed out before falling unconscious against the wall.

"CHANYEOL! CHANYEOL PLEASE WAKE UP!" I cried. All confidence was soon lost. I can't do it by myself. He's too powerful.

"Hey Sehun. How is your morning so far" he asked as if he actually cared.

"You know, it was actually great until you had to disrupt us" at that, he raised an eyebrow.

"Ah oh yes. I had forgotten that you had a boyfriend. Luhan was it? Hey, speaking of which, where is he?" He said with a sinister smile. Like hell I would tell him where my Luhan was.

"I'm not sure. I think he went back to his house" he started to laugh and then glared at me.

"You idiot! You're already in his house. Don't ever lie to me AGAIN! Now, where is he?" Kyungsoo asked with gritted teeth. I simply shrugged. He growled and suddenly a sharp and overwhelming pain took over my body. I screamed and was on the edge of tears. I could barely see Kyungsoo exit the room through the held back tears. My vision was blurring, my entire body feels numb. I can feel death slowly creeping into my body. Soon I will be like Chanyeol; dead and lifeless.

My eyes were gradually submitting to death when I see a small figure run through the door. My eyes shot open and looked at the boy crouching near Chanyeol. Thank god! It was Baekhyun! How he managed to get in unnoticed was beyond me.

"Baekhyun help us!" I barely whispered. He turned toward me surprised, like he didn't notice I was there. He grabbed both of Chanyeol's hands and drug him into the closet. He came back and did the same to me. He gently left me next to Chanyeol.

"I'll be right back. Don't move" as if I had the power to actually move anyways. A couple minutes later, Baekhyun returned with a stranger with black hair. He didn't look Korean. Almost...Chinese?

"Hello! I'm Yixing but please call me Lay!" He said with an innocent smile. I looked at Baekhyun to explain why he was here, but he answered instead.

"I have healing powers. I can heal wounds of any kind or severity. I will help you and your friend to get healthy again" he said, showing off his dimples.

"B-but Chanyeol's dead" I said. I looked at Baekhyun, but he was stone faced. Which scared me because he was usually very loud and expressive. Lay smiled again and shook his head.

"Again, I can heal wounds of any kind or severity" he said in a warm voice.

He crouched down next to Chanyeol and pressed his fingers to Chanyeol's temple. A few seconds later, Chanyeol's eyes fluttered open and he looked dazed. Baekhyun jumped onto him and hugged him tightly.

Lay sat next to me now. He lifted his hand and placed it over my heart. The feeling was so satisfying. I could literally feel the life returning into my body.

I hope Luhan is safe


Thanks for reading! Also sorry for any typos. There are a lot 😁


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