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saltyoongay : don't worry haha i think we've all had that one weird friend

jimin released a shaky breath he didn't know he was holding. 'thank god he understands!!' he thought, typing out his reply.

jiminie-cricket : haha yeah

it was dull, but it would suffice. jimin would have to be very very careful to what he said to yoongi, as he didn't want any relationship with him to suddenly disappear.

"hyung!" jungkook's face suddenly appeared in the doorway, and jimin had never been more mad at his bunny-toothed roommate.

"yah! why did you think that was a good idea? huh?" jimin hit the younger' chest, the latter throwing his hands up.

after jimin's tantrum had stopped, jungkook sighed. "what's for dinner, hyung?"

jimin rolled his eyes. "all you care about food and nothing else! not even your poor old hung!!"

- author's note -
i've been watching some dramas recently so sorry if these next few chapters are very dramatic lol that tends to happen anyways ik i said i wasn't updating this unless the votes went up but whatever here's an update. enjoy!

NOTES; - yoonminWhere stories live. Discover now