Child(s): Josh

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Josh has two kids; boy-girl twins. Becca (Rebecca) and Robby (Robert) are inseparable poler opposites who aren't afraid to tell each other the truth. The trust is strong in these two. 

Becca is loud and outgoing, always in the spotlight and looking to be the star of attention. She adores acting and wants more than enything to be a big star in Hollywood, and quite happily immerses herself in dozens of TV shows and movies in her free time to help her learn all she can before her big break.

Robby is more quiet and shy at first, but warms up quickly. He's a great judge of character and does anything and everything he can to protect his naive twin. He's extremely proud of the fact that he was born first by three minutes and twenty seven seconds exactly, and uses it as an argument whenever Becca and him get into a rare fight.

Name: Robert (Robby) Alex Bradley
Age: 14
Height: 5'7"
Personality: Observant, focused
Features: Bright green eyes, curly messy hair
Favorite Animal: Dogs and wolves, and basically anything that barks
YouTube name: Robroxs
YouTube content: dog facts, story telling videos

Name: Rebecca (Becca) Elise Bradley
Age: 14
Height: 5'6.5
Personality: Attention seeker, artsy
Features: small size, big personality
Favorite Animal: Cats of any kind, or anything that makes a noise that resembles a meow
YouTube name: CatCatMeow
YouTube Content: Cat meme rating videos, mini tv show videos, reaction videos, acting tips and tricks

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