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user(name): i'm so lucky wtf? 💜

user(name): i'm so lucky wtf? 💜

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Username: is that t?

Username: why are your faces covered 😩

soomimie: y'all are cute~ gucciboy i'll share this time but if you hurt her, you're dead :)

Username: best friend goals

gucciboy: soomimie no worries, i'll take care of her with lots of love 💜 thanks for sharing

user(name): gucciboy wtf did i do to deserve you 😩💜

gucciboy: you biased the one and only kim taehyung. duh

user(name): gucciboy what a man


t 💜 wants to facetime you
accept | decline

"hello, (name)!" taehyung waved into the camera.

"i still can't believe it," (name) let out a small sigh. "how did i get so lucky?"

"thank jimin for that," he smiled as (name) hummed a reply.

"i enjoyed the date by the way," (name) smiled, her cheeks dusted with a pale pink blush.

"we're going to have more, don't you forget that," he let out a small laugh, his eyes a squinted as he grinned.

"what a dream."

"oh but this isn't a dream, dear (name)," he gave a cheeky wink.

"you are the death of me, kim taehyung," (name) playfully rolled her eyes at the man.

"don't die on me just yet!" he joked, (name) joining in with his laughter.

"oh, my heart," (name) faked a pain, clutching onto the left side of her sweater.

"(name)~ i'll have to go now. rest well okay!" he puckered his lips, pretending to give a kiss.

"okay, gucci boy. i'll talk to you later," a wide smile was plastered on (name)'s face.

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