2: damn.

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ccabeyyo: hey i saw you post without texting me :( what happened you don't like me?

laurenjauregui: I don't know you. I don't know your name. I don't know what you look like. I don't even know your AGE. 

ccabeyyo: why didn't you ask :(

laurenjauregui: So will you tell me then?

ccabeyyo: you gotta ask first.

laurenjauregui: Oh my God.

ccabeyyo: don't use the lord's name like that.

laurenjauregui: Like you respect him. You wanted me to call you 'Papi'.

ccabeyyo: you have used that in youR CAPTIONS BEFORE

laurenjauregui: As a joke or it's lyrics!

ccabeyyo: whatever. do you want to know my name or not? all the info you need.

laurenjauregui: Okay, okay. First of all, I want a picture.

ccabeyyo: why???

laurenjauregui: Just because. Let's go.

ccabeyyo: i look like shit.

ccabeyyo: you  know what? let's do this.

ccabeyyo: i'll give you a selfie if you give me one after. it can't be posted on instagram already though.

laurenjauregui: okay, whatever.

ccabeyyo: i'm in the car rn so


ccabeyyo: ha ugly ass

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ccabeyyo: ha ugly ass

laurenjauregui: SHIT 


laurenjauregui: oH MY PLOT 

laurenjauregui: FUCKING TWIST 

ccabeyyo: why are you freaking out??

laurenjauregui: BEAUSE YOU'RE GORGEOUS

ccabeyyo: not really.

laurenjauregui: I'm not gonna have that talk right now. But, anyways, a deal is a deal.


ccabeyyo: *chokes*

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ccabeyyo: *chokes*

ccabeyyo: i'm fucking gay

ccabeyyo: i'm having heart palpitations holy fucking shit

ccabeyyo: like

ccabeyyo: you're so fucking gorgeous what is this

laurenjauregui: Thank you. I'm much prettier on the pictures i post though

ccabeyyo: if anything, i like you better like this.

ccabeyyo: your lips oho my dear lord 

ccabeyyo: i need to take a breath

laurenjauregui: I didn't know people reacted like this.

ccabeyyo: oh no, i'm way worse than most of the people that comment on your pictures

laurenjauregui: Are you sure?

ccabeyyo: totally. if you'll excuse me, i'm going to go die happily now.

laurenjauregui: Don't die, I don't even know your name.

ccabeyyo: oh shit right.

ccabeyyo: hi i'm karla camila cabello. please don't call me karla, though. i just tell people my full name because my friend calls me K.C. undercover sometimes and i love zendaya 

ccabeyyo: also, i'm 20. i love bananas. like actual bananas. in reality, i'm gay as fuck.

laurenjauregui: Very interesting.

ccabeyyo: so, lauren, do you go for my team? ;))

laurenjauregui: What team?

ccabeyyo: do you swing my way??? ;)))))))

laurenjauregui: I'm kinda confused.

ccabeyyo: holy shit.

ccabeyyo: are you gay?

laurenjauregui: No, I'm not. I have a boyfriend.

ccabeyyo: that dude, ty? oh shit, i thought that was a management thing since he's so big.

laurenjauregui: Really, Karla?

ccabeyyo: no don't call me that. call me camila.

laurenjauregui: Whatever, Camila, Karla. I have to go do a photo shoot.

ccabeyyo: will you send me the pictures before anyone else?


ccabeyyo: guess not.

ccabeyyo: listen, lauren, i'm really sorry. you're just so pretty and i was lowkey wishing that you were gay. at least bisexual. 

ccabeyyo: you seem like a nice girl and i've messaged you before, just on different accounts. i've followed you since you barely got 50 likes on your pictures.

ccabeyyo: my friend, dinah, met you one time and i was so fucking jealous. i didn't talk to her for days. it was kinda my fault though because she invited me to this party and i didn't go.

ccabeyyo: i wish more than anything i would've gone with her. i probably would've had a heart attack but i know there is so much more to you than this whole instagram model thing. i believe you're gonna be a model for guess and shit.

ccabeyyo: i'm really sorry. okay? and if you don't want to talk to me, that's okay. i'll continue liking and commenting on your posts. no hard feelings.


ccabeyyo: fuck. okay

ccabeyyo: damn.


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