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Kenzie's POV:
I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm and my sister Maddie splashing ice cold water all over me.
M- "Kenz, wake up IT'S MOVING DAY!"
K- "Ugh! Do we have too?!"
M- "Well we don't really have a choice, do we?"
K- "Hmm, good point."
I get up and get ready as Maddie leaves the room. I head downstairs to eat some breakfast with some news from mom.
Mom- "Ok so as you know we are moving to LA, this might be hard for you but you'll realize soon that this was a good idea."
K+M- "Whatever you say."
We get out of the house as early as 6:30 am and drive to the airport. We get to the plane and I place my headphone on and slowly fall asleep.

*Skip to the arrival*

I wake up to the bright sun shining through my eyelids I slowly wake up and see that we are landing. We drive to our house.
K- "OMG! This house is way bigger than our old one!"
M- "I could get used to this."
We head to our new rooms and I lay down cuz I'm so tired from traveling.
Currently enjoying myself mom ruins the moment and says "Remember girls school starts tomorrow, sleep early!"
K- "Fine!"
I start to unpack my things and prepare my bag for school. We eat dinner and get ready for bed.

*Skip till morning*

I wake up unexpectedly early and get ready for school. Me and Maddie walk to the bus stop. We enter this really huge campus and look for our classrooms. Suddenly someone taps my shoulder...

Thanks for reading my first chapter please stay tuned for the next one!! 🙌🏻👏🏻🤘🏻

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