Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven
©Bethany Shay Porteous


"Someone set fire to your bed," Kade growled beside me as the nurse handed me a cup of water. "When I find the wolf responsible I will split open their bodies and feed their intestines to their families!"

A little dramatic, I thought cringing at the image painted in my mind.

"There was no scent?" Kade's Beta asked with a frown.

"The fire made it impossible to track any trace of who it was," Kade said. "Whoever did it will try and hurt you again and I'm going to be ready for them. You won't be out of my sight until I kill whoever is trying to hurt you."

"That's a bit ridiculous," I scoffed. "You can't be with me twenty-four seven."

"I can and I will," he said simply.

"I'm not going to watch you kill people," I told him. "When you went to do your 'Alpha duties' this morning Carmen told me you were killing prisoners. If you think I'm going to watch that kind of behavior then you're sorely mistaken."

"A prisoner is a prisoner Ella," he snapped.

"I'm a prisoner!" I shouted.

"You're my mate," he growled as his eyes glowed. "You are not a prisoner."

"I'm treated like one," I countered.

"Trust me Cherry, you are definitely not treated like a prisoner." Kade stood up from his plastic seat and I yelped in surprise as he suddenly leant over me on the bed, bracing his arms either side of me. "As much as the idea repulses you, you are in fact my mate and the day you accept that is the day both of us can start to be happy."

"Uh..." Kade's Beta cleared his throat. "I'll just be...outside." He cleared the room quickly and the door clicked shut. My eyes met Kade's and I jutted my chin in frustration.

"I was happy before I met you," I told him. "I feel nothing for you Kade and I never will."

His low throaty chuckle had me bristling on the inside. "Cherry, you're a terrible liar. Sure, as a male wolf I feel more than you do...but you still feel." When his rough hand cupped my cheek and he moved in to kiss me I recoiled in disgust and flailed my arms, smacking him square in the jaw. Satisfaction laced its way through me when I heard his teeth clap together.

He reared backward as he cupped the injury and a wicked grin sliced its way onto his face. "I forget you like to play rough Cherry."

"Try and touch me again and see what happens," I threatened with a growl.

"Oh, I plan on it." His voice held that cocky authorative tone and once again anger shot through me to my core. "You won't be able to resist me forever."

"You're the one who's always going to want me more Kade," I taunted him and I watched something flicker briefly in his eyes. "Watch me resist you forever, because I'm going to watch you, fawning over me like a pathetic puppy demanding my attention."

His jaw steeled and I knew I had finally managed to piss him off enough that he'd do his totally predictable growl, punch a wall and storm from the room. Three...two...there he goes. The wall chipped away from impact and the sight of what damage he could do should have scared me. It only fueled my disgust more.

He behaves like a petulant child.

The door slammed loudly and I winced from the sound before I settled comfortably back amongst my pillows, a satisfied smile creeping its way onto my face.

Ella – 1 Kade – 0.


"Luna..." a timid voice squeaked beside me and I groggily opened my eyes to find a mousy looking girl holding a tray of food. "Luna, I have brought your dinner for you..uh...Alpha said I am not allowed to leave the room unless you eat....and if you don't eat then neither can I or my family."

"What?" I snarled at his ludicrous behavior. "What kind of Alpha is this moron?"

"Luna!" the girl gasped with wide eyes.

"Sorry," I waved my hand. "I know he's your Alpha. I understand the twisted loyalty. So, you're not allowed to eat until I do?"

"Or my family," she told me quickly as she rested the tray on my bed. "So please...don't starve yourself. My sister is sick at home and she needs to be eating regularly."

"Bastard," I growled under my breath as I eyed off the food. It looked to be a roast chicken, complete with roasted pumpkin, potato and vegetables. My stomach growled hungrily and my mouth watered.

"See, you're hungry!" the girl squeaked in delight.

"Yes, I'm starving," I groaned loudly. "How else am I supposed to get at him now if he uses other people against me?" Already the jerk had a weakness of mine under his sleeves. So, what the hell were his weaknesses? I looked back at the girl and decided she had to be young...maybe fifteen? "What's your name?"

"My name isn't important," she said quickly as she bowed her head. "I am a Gamma."

I frowned at her. "You have a name, what is it?"

"Um...I don''s Bella," she stammered with scared eyes. "But you can just call me Gamma...surely you can smell my rank-"

"Of course, I can smell it...but you're not allowed to be called by your name?" I asked dumfounded.

"Only the ranks above Gamma have use of their name," she told me carefully. "Otherwise, I am simply 'Gamma'."

"This is ridiculous," I spat out. "What kind of supreme bullshit have I found myself in?"

"It is just our way Luna," Bella told me softly. "I am not offended by my rank. I have a job and my home and my family. We are treated well. We know our place. My job going forward is to serve you and be by your side when Alpha cannot."

My mind was in circles as I bit into the food and I watched her try and her hide relief at the sight of me eating. Sure, every pack had ranks but we didn't stoop so low as to removing names from people entirely and classing them as a whole ...What the hell was wrong with Kade? My gaze flickered back to the young girl.

"So your essentially my-"

"Servant," she said proudly. "What an honor it is, Luna."

"Goddess," I uttered under my breath.

What the heck was I going to use against him now?

It only took a few mouthfuls of chicken before I realized my original plan. Use yourself you daft idiotic girl.


"Well boys look what we have here," a voice broke out into the chilled night air and the girl groaned into the tree as hunger all but impaled her. "Another pack wolf lost in the woods, alone."

"What's your name, bitch?" a cold voice asked.

The girl groaned through a near frozen mouth and her blurred vision could only make out the chipped wood in the tree. Someone was asking her a question, but who were they? Where was she?

"She looks injured," a calmer voice said. "She smells familiar."

"Shut it, runt!" cold voice growled. "Give us your name!"


She could do that.

"..." her voice came our hoarse and her throat ached with an intense burn. With grit teeth, she tried again only to be silenced by a cough.

"Bring her back to headquarters," someone ordered as rough arms grabbed her just as she fell from her hold on the tree. "Lewis can deal with her then."

"But Lewis didn't want to see anymore-" the runt was cut off.

"He'll see her," cold voice gleamed. "She's a Savine wolf."


So much love for your patience guys! Vote and leave a comment xx (Exciting update: I am 10 chapters into Wolfsbane: The Wolf Within !! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2017 ⏰

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