fourteen percent.

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Wrapped in jackets and hands in gloves, the two met in the middle of the plaza. The fountain that usually danced gracefully was off, leaving the two the only signs of movement at that time of the night. Them, and a flickering neon light that read "Open for 24-hours". It was for a greasy old diner that stood a dark alley, and a closed thrift shop.

The light from it attracted the two, although they could've hoped for a better place. But the place would do.

him: you can't go wrong with fries and milkshakes

her: at three am? well there's something new

him: new things are nice.

The two were grinning wide as they entered the establishment, the only occupants of which was a young waitress, and perhaps a cook hidden in the kitchen. They took a booth near the counter where the waitress followed them.

the waitress: midnight snack, eh?

her: an order of fries and, two milkshakes

She waddled away, leaving him and her staring at each other from the opposite sides of the booth. It could easily have been awkward. For him, it wasn't. Silences were bearable, even beautiful, between them. It gave him time to process the whole concept of him and her. Him and her sitting on red leather chairs in an 80's inspired diner-- at three am.

him: this is crazy. do you realize this is crazy?

her: wait, this is crazy for you?

She laughed, a soft yet ridiculing sound that made his self-esteem shatter. It was true though. This was crazy for him. This was the craziest thing he had ever done in his eighteen years of existance. He started thinking of how much of a loser she may think of him, and this made his smile fall.

She noticed the change in his reaction, and laughed again. Her hand found his on the table, and she gave it a gentle squeeze.

her: I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way...

Hesitatingly, he smiled.

him: that's fine.

her: I promise you, we can do crazier things. You and me.

him: you and me...

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