Chapter 3: The Secret

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[Hey guys, thank you for reading. Would you please leave comments, good or bad, so that i can know what you think about what i wrote. Enjoy the read and hope you like it :) ]

CHAPTER 3: The Secret

Auriella's dreams were filled with faces of people she's never seen and yet she knew their names and felt a familiarity to them. It was a strange feeling of knowing and not knowing both at the same time. As if she knew something in the back of her mind, but just couldn't remember it. Flashes of events, places and people played in front of her, she was running with some of them, then she was laughing with others, and then she was alone all of a sudden and a sudden fear took hold of her. She could taste the fear in her mouth. A door she's never seen before in any of her dreams appeared before her and she hesitantly moved to open it. As she opened it a dark figure jumped out of it, consuming her. It wrapped around her, reaching around her arms, legs and face. She was terrified as it slowly consumed her, she smelled blood, the stench so deep in her nose and throat that she wanted to gag, but she couldn't move, the darkness didn't allow her to move. She screamed and tried to move but there was only silence, her voice was gone, even though she felt like she was screaming at the top of her lungs. Then suddenly a face appeared in front of her. His features handsome and well structured, he looked charming and harmless until she saw his sky blue eyes. They were malicious and hungry for blood and they were on her. She tried to struggle away, but her arms only got swallowed up more by the darkness, and she screamed again, and this time she could hear her own voice. She opened her eyes and found herself sitting upright, sweat dripping off her head and down her neck. She was breathing hard and her throat felt raw. She grabbed it, and pulled up her legs. She rested her head on her knees, trying to catch her breath and concentrating not to cry. She stayed in that position until she could hear the birds chirping and see the first remnants of light finding its way into her dark bedroom. Her body was still tense but she was able to bring her breathing under control. She looked at her window, a small ray of light was pushing itself through the small crack of her curtains, and she stared at it. Somehow seeing the light calmed her down a bit more. Her mind was full of images and events, and the face of the man she now recognised to be Massacre. She willed herself to get out of her bed and found it hard to move her limps. She wanted to believe that it was still from the dream but she knew it was also due to her little fight with Dietrich the day before. She concentrated on that thought, while she made her way to the bathroom. She could now understand how she moved like that. She remembered that Dietrich was the one who trained her. He took her in after her parents were murdered and treated her as a seeker. She only discovered that she could feel when Joeye came to live with them. She remembered that he made her feel awkward because a part of her wanted to smile and laugh with him too, whenever he did, but she always reminded herself that seekers do not feel. She smiled half heartedly, as she stripped of her clammy clothes and got into the shower. He was the reason why she was able to feel. She turned on the water and soon she felt hot water falling onto her body. She desperately needed to feel anything other than the fear that's been clinging onto her. She stayed in the shower longer than usual, just allowing the water to pour over her, hoping that it would wash away this clinging ominous feeling she's been having.

Usually walking to her school felt long and tedious, but this morning she found herself in school quicker than she expected, her mind being too occupied dissecting the memories that's been invading her mind. She jumped when she felt Michelle's hand touching her arm. She hadn't even heard her friend calling out to her.

"Good morning Ella." She said happily, but quickly changed her expression when she saw Auriella's demeanour. She looked exhausted. "Hey honey, are you all right?" She asked worried and touched her arm softly.

"Oh yea. I'm fine. When I got home I started reading a book that I got from my uncle and only got to bed in the early hours of the morning, and to make things worse I woke up with a headache this morning." She said and laughed.

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