5.|Jealous Much?|

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I woke up next day, not sure if I was going to meet up with Justin tonight. I mean, we got into a bit of an argument after we agreed on seeing each other, and I didn't want it to turn into something that would tear Toby and I apart.

I decided to let it go until it was brought up, since there wasn't really any use in worrying. So, on Friday morning, I walked through the halls, with Toby's arm securely wrapped around my shoulders. As he continued to banter on about the weekend - not much of a surprise there - I noticed Justin leaning against someone's locker.

Wait, this wasn't just anyone's locker - it was Casey Stevenson. I don't know what got into me but I couldn't help but glare in their direction. Why? Well, I wasn't quite sure what sparked it, but it felt like a huge singe of jealousy.

My eyes widened involuntarily, and Toby took it as a moment to reassure me that the drinks would be served with ice if I absolutely needed it. You see, this is why I don't listen to him. As I looked closer, I saw Justin's arm looped around her waist, their faces dangerously close.

Something that resembled a raging forest fire tore through me, making my face contort into a permanent frown.

"I thought you'd be upset about that."

I turned to Toby, hoping to hide my cluelessness. "You did?"

"Yes, I couldn't believe it either when my dad said that we couldn't extend the trip to a three day cruise."

A three day cruise?! I didn't think I could survive the six hour one that we were going on already.

"What's going through you head, Harp?" I turned to look up at him to see he had a serious look in his eye as he tried to find an answer to his question. "Trust me, I wasn't planning on making it three days, but I could tell that your mind was somewhere else. What's going on?"

I shrugged, rubbing my hands up and down my arms. It did make me feel better that Toby was looking out for me, but it didn't help take the way that I couldn't stand seeing Justin and Casey together.

So, I spoke the truth, or as much of it that I could without getting in trouble. "It's just, I guess that having Justin always bugging me and hanging around is starting to get to me."

"That jerk..." Toby began to mumble under his breath, but I quickly cut him off.

"No, don't worry about it. Forget I said anything."

"Harp, if it makes you agitated and uncomfortable, then I'll get him to leave you alone." He leaned down and kissed my cheek, before I turned to put my hand on his chest. For some reason, though, I couldn't get the thought of what it would be like if this were Justin... but that would just be a sibling like conversation, nothing like what I had with Toby.

Sparing a glance back in Casey and Justin's direction, I was able to catch a frown on Justin's face before he pulled her into his arms and.... and he kissed her. She wound her arms around his neck as his looped around her waist, pulling her flush against him.

I looked away disgusted, but couldn't help get the vibe that he was proving something to himself through that kiss more than he was to her. Toby followed my line of sight before shouting, "Get a room!" just as the two lovebirds pulled away. The one thing I was able to catch just before my boyfriend dragged me away, was the way Justin's eyes went straight to mine instead of Casey's. I wasn't sure if it disgusted me more than the kiss itself.

Before I could decide, however, I was whisked away down the river of students to my next class.


"Did you kiss Justin?"

I just about spat out my water all over Carmela's face. Honestly, if I had, it wouldn't have been the first time. "Yeah right. Where did you hear that from?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. I heard he was making out with someone in the hall this morning."

"Oh, he was making out with someone this morning," I said, chuckling darkly, "but it definitely wasn't me."

Carmela smiled, her mouth forming an 'o'. "Are you... are you jealous?"

"What? Pfft, yeah right."

"Harp, don't you dare lie to me."

"I'm serious!"

"You're serious what?" Both of our heads snapped up to meet Justin's gaze. I leaned back in my seat so I could meet his eyes. I noticed that he was staring directly at me, not sparing anyone else a second glance.

"Nothing. Where's your girlfriend?" I couldn't help but sneer the last part as Justin's eyes lit up in amusement.

"Glad to see that you care," he said, with flashing his legendary smirk, causing me to blush profusely, "but we're still on for tonight, right?"

"Um.. yeah, I guess?"

"Great. I'll meet you at the Coffee Shop at 7." And with that, he strutted away as the girls at surrounding tables shot me irritated glances, unhappy that his attention had been on me instead of them. I shrugged it off only to face a giddy Carmela.

"You are SO jealous!"

I sighed, putting my head in my hands. "Was it really that obvious?" I groaned out, hoping that she had just read too far into the situation.

"Kind of."

"Great. Just great," I mumbled through gritted teeth.


Hey guys!

So, let me know what you think is going to happen when Justin and Harper meet up! I am going to make next chapter in Justin's POV to mix it up a bit.

Don't forget to


-hexodus ;>

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