15.|Saving Harper|

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I couldn't believe what a night I had had. Seth was just unhappy that he scared our mate almost to death, and that she didn't like him. Every time I tried to reassure him that Harp just didn't know who he was yet, he only growled.

The one thing I couldn't stand, however, was the fact that Toby had the guts to come and see Harp in wolf form. He must've been plain stupid if he thought that trying to get past Seth was a good idea. While I was reasonable, my wolf was not.

That's probably why he'll be waking up with a few broken limbs this morning. What really hurt me and Seth was when we left to find food for Harper and us, she ran. Now, I completely understand - she probably thought we were some savage animal out to get her. But it still wasn't a great thing knowing your mate was terrified of you.

On her way out, I decided it would be a good idea if I chased her in the right direction, so that she wouldn't end up lost. But just when she managed to get close to the clearing, Toby re-approached, wanting to see her again in wolf form.

I had dropped to the ground, hovering over Harper, mostly to protect her. But of course, her being human and all, she took it as I was going to eat her and started shaking violently. Seth wanted to focus on attacking the wolf in front of us, but he also wanted to reassure Harp. He wasn't too pleased he was causing her all this pain.

When she pushed out from underneath us and shot off, Seth was able to snarl a warning at the wolf before heading to the house so that I could shift. When I came out, I found Harp collapsed in the grass, her fingers clawing at the dirt in an attempt to keep moving. Seth whined at the thought scaring her that badly.

"Harp?!" When she looked up, relief flooded her eyes, as did mine. She felt safe with me, and that was all that mattered.

Taking in her appearance, now, her hair was a rat's nest, and her clothes were shredded and caked in mud and dirt in some areas. "Justin," she croaked, which I knew was from all the screaming and possibly crying. "I-I-"

"Shh..." I said, bending down to scoop her up in my arms. "Everything is alright now, nothing is going to hurt you."

She began coughing before she spoke again. "It's c-coming for me, J-Justin. You have to get us out of here!" Seth whined again, knowing that she really did fear him, there was no denying it. Although it would make introducing her to the werewolf community harder, we would face that hurdle when it came.

Looking up, I spotted movement in the woods. I adjusted my grip on Harp so that I was holding her bridal style, securely against my chest. Looking out, I saw Toby's wolf, who had the audacity to flash a sly grin before stalking off.

"Let's get you inside." She only meagerly nodded as I turned and headed to the small wooden house.


"So, do you remember what happened?" Currently, I had Harp propped up on a couch in front of the warm fireplace, bundled in the fluffiest blanket I could find. I had finished making a thick soup, one that would hopefully warm her up as well as quench her hunger.

"I followed you into the woods, and went into a cave. I was so lost, but I was only focused on finding you." I felt really guilty about that part and hid my face by trying to scoop myself some of the meal. "And, and then I saw the biggest wolf I've ever seen.

"It.. it was big, with silky black fur, and the most piercing green eyes. If I had seen it anywhere else, I would've thought it was beautiful. But when it is hovering over you, it's quite menacing." She honestly looked shaken just talking about it.

"How did you get out?"

"I ran. When morning came and I was positive the wolf was gone, I ran. I wouldn't stop. Just before you found me, the wolf tackled me. I-I thought I was going to die." Her voice cracked and tears streamed freely down her face. Seth whined again, scared our mate would never forgive him.

To soothe Harp, I sat down next to her and gently pulled her into my chest, rocking her gently. Her hands clutched my shirt as she sobbed into my shoulder, letting everything out.

It felt amazing to have her this close, to have her trust me this much. Trust me, it never hurt to be praised as a night in shining armor.

It just really stinks when you are also the monster that scared the living daylights out of her.

I watched as she slowly fell asleep, feeling safe and at peace in my arms. I wanted to reveal to her the truth, but with Toby lurking close by, I couldn't let him get any ideas about taking my mate from me.

I'd just have to wait until the time was right.


Hey guys!

So, do you agree with Justin?

Should he wait to spring the truth on Harper?

Don't forget to


-hexodus ;*

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