The Final Straw

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I was tired of it. Tired of the hidden truths, tired of him not caring, tired of everything.
I live in a world that has soulmates. Weird, I know, but we do. We also have a system to find said soulmates. Issue is, some people abuse it. Badly. I mean really badly. See, how it works is when you turn 18, you stop aging. Completely. You may finish growing if you were not done, but you do not age. You only start to age again when you meet your soulmate. Does not matter when, as long as you have a conversation and acknowledge your soulmate-ness.

There is another thing. Anything on your partner-to-be's skin, like drawings or scars, appears on yours. My guess is so that we know of our partner is injured, and we can communicate so we can find each other. Pretty flawless system right? I think not.

My name is Ana Thompson. I am 18. Still. I have been for 20 years because my jerk of a soulmate decided he to join a 'Top Secret Federal Agency' and not let me meet him because he does not want me hurt. But I know he gets hurt often. Trust me, I know. Everything appears on my skin, remember? So every time he gets hurt, as soon as it heals it appears on me as a scar. I now have 3 scars running down the length of my back, multiple on my legs and arms, a very large one going from my jaw to the outside corner of my eye, and a very jagged one on my stomach, which I am assuming came from some sort of knife when he was being tortured or something. I sure hope not at least.

I do worry about him. A lot. If it is so bad that I, his soulmate, does not even get to meet him he must be in deep. Either that or just worried for my safety. But lately I decided that I quit caring about what he said, or wrote. Yes he will talk to me. I normally question him if he gets hurt, but he makes up some excuse, but I see through it. Easily. He always pauses writing when he is lying. Lucky for him I am not a criminal- as far as he knows-or he would have a hard time interrogating me.

Anyway, back to my plan to find him and yell at him for not letting me meet him. He has told me to call him Z, so I am assuming that is what his name starts with. There are a lot of boy Z names, and he would not tell me when he was born so I can't use that. I guess no will have to scroll through Tumblr while I try to plan.

I sit down at my desk in my bedroom, firing up my laptop, I look around. My room is a regular sized room, with my full sized bed in the middle. The desk is to the right of the bed, with my closet at the left. At the foot of the bed is a large chest, which works as my dresser of sorts. Most of my clothes are in the closet, so this is just for winter stuff and shorts.

As I pull up Tumblr, I see a flash of yellow on the inside of my palm as I move it. I look to see that Z has written again.

You are gonna have a few new scars soon. Sorry.

And interogattion time starts now.

(Ana is writing bold while Z is italics)

What happened? And don't tell me some lame excuse about it either.

You know I can't tell you. I don't understand why you are so persistent about this.


I may have gotten a bit mad. We were now writing on our forearms, and what I just wrote took up the entire inside of it. We were gonna have to switch to our right arms soon.

Please calm down. Ana, you know I don't like this as much as you don't. But I can't meet you. Alex wi-

He quickly starts to scribble out where he wrote Alex, probably hoping I did not see, but me being the observant person I am, I did notice. I now have a way to find him. A smirk creeps itself on my face as I grab my marker and scribble down the name.

So, I am assuming this Alex person is your boss. Am I correct?

Why did you have to see that. Promise me you won't try to find me. Please.

Don't ask me to make a promise I can't keep. Sorry Z.

I don't get a response after that, so I settle down at my computer, opening up the CIA's main website. I quickly hack into the main servers for employees and look for anyone named Alex. When nothing came up I checked out the FBI. Their firewalls were a bit harder to get past without getting caught, but I managed it.

As I was scrolling through the Special Agents part of the page, a name catches my eye. Alexander Mandres. I click on the name to find he is the captain of a Special Ops group in Miami, which is quite the drive from my home Jakville, a small town in Northwest Arkansas.

I go to find out if Z happens to be apart of this squad, only to find all information on other squad members in a very secure folder, including firewalls, 2 viruses trying to get to my computer, and multiple username/passwords I had to get past. It was almost as bad as the time I got into the Pentagon, although that was a long time ago and took two full days whereas this took a max of 40 minutes.

Once in I see that there are 7 members part of this team, including Mandres.

Mary Genatali - nope
Ace Rodriguez - nada
Leyan Ashton - noo
Zachary Scott - Ding Ding Ding!

I click on Zachary's profile to find more about him, and discover that all his stats sound about right, including him still being 'Unfound' a word used for people who have not met their soulmate yet. His picture has the same scar running down his face, although he makes it look much cooler than me. It also shows his medical record, which explains all of the various scars I have, including my back (knife during a fight), and stomach (I was correct, he was captured and tortured). The most recent entry shows that he was checked into Mercy hospital at 2:48pm today. I glance at the clock and see that it is almost 5. I look at his record again to find that he was shot multiple times, along with getting his head and arm cut open. A chill rolls down my spine at all he has to deal with, and I start packing a bag to leave with tomorrow. I just found him, and with him in the hospital, he can't hide.

Guess I am going on a road trip.

A/N: Hello my loves! I hope you liked this. I would like to say that yes, I am basing Ana on me but no, I am not a hacker and never will be. I ain't that cool. Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed! Make sure to leave a comment to tell me what you thought! Or just vote. Your choice. Alright bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2017 ⏰

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