Before I begin! For my previous readers! This book WILL NOT be connected in any way with Life in the Zombie Apocalypse.
Let's get started!
Hello, I am the creator of the zombie apocalypse! That totally sounds like something an everyday person would! Are you interested in throwing in a contestant? Then welcome welcome! If you just clicked on this book because you want to be a zombie, welcome also! But if you are one of those haters, get out and never come back because no one here will ever like you.
Continuing on, here's the form so I can understand and write about your character interactions.
(Comment once you read through all of these, not on one for every paragraph, but you can't Anyways! Muhahaha)-Name
- What they look like
- How they act
- Weapons
- Strengths
- Weaknesses
- Catchphrase (you don't have to have one if you don't want)
- Other thingsFORM HERE: ----->
You can submit more than one!Good luck!
(CLOSED) Make Your Own Character!
RandomWould you like make your character to survive the zombie apocalypse? Then step right up and throw some characters designed by you into the zombie apocalypse. Click 'start reading' if you are a little bit interested.