Chapter 5

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Word count:1307
Ashlynn's p.o.v

I made my way through the cave, somehow managing to see in the darkness. I can't believe after all this I got trapped in a stupid cave. I kicked a rock along the path in front of me for a few minutes before I felt a breeze and looked ahead to see light coming in. That must be how I get out of here.

I hurried towards the exit and my mouth immediately dropped at the sight in front of me.

This looked nothing like the forest back home

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This looked nothing like the forest back home. I continued walking through the thick bushes, praying to whatever god that I hadn't just walked into my doom. I can't believe my family had been lying to me my whole life. Not only that, my boyfriend of two years cheated on me with a human mining tunnel. After letting my thoughts wander, they settled on one thought that made me pause. My father died when I was 13, and Bayleigh was 1. So which birthday did he tell her about werewolves and how? Already knowing the answer, tears came to my eyes, and I quickly blinked them away before continuing forward.

After about an hour of walking around and admiring the scenery and the wandering animals that looked way more unique than regular animals, I heard running water and immediately started sprinting towards it. When I came out of the brush, I let out a gasp. This place was even more beautiful than the view from the cave.

The soothing sound of rushing water washed over me as I admired this amazing sight

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The soothing sound of rushing water washed over me as I admired this amazing sight. I snapped out of whatever trance I was in and examined the water. It was crystal clear and looked as if it was sparkling from where the sun hit the surface. I was about to take a sip when a voice behind me startled me.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I let out a small scream, before clutching my chest and turning around. Wide eyed and frightened, I came face to face with a tall dark-haired man with piercing blue eyes.

"Jesus, you scared me half to death!" I eyed him, carefully calculating the distance between us. He stood about 8 feet away with a knowing look and a mischievous smirk.
"Lacus illusionis, or lake of illusions," he took a couple steps forward, which I countered with my own. Sidestepping to miss falling in this doom lake, I put a considerable distance between us in case he decided to try something.

He eyed me curiously before continuing, "Illusion lake's components are made up of powerful molecules that intertwined itself into the lakes DNA make up..." He stopped once he saw my horrified face, before giving an irritated sigh. "The properties of the water are magical and can aid you in casting magic, good or bad, that falls under the illusion category."
"Magic? You mean..." 

"Who are you?" He asked, as his face took on one of confusion. "I'm Ashlynn Torrent, and I don't mean to trespass I just have no clue how I got here and..." I looked around the area we were in and when I turned back around, he was right in front of me. I gasped and stumbled a bit before he caught me and steadied me.

"Why so scared love? I couldn't hurt a face as pretty as yours." His eyes looked almost apologetic before he let me go, and then I noticed the cuffs.
"HEY!! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!?" He touched me with the tip of a glowing yellow stick of light before my body went completely stiff. My eyes widened and I start frantically trying to move. It felt like I was paralyzed from head to toe, but I still had awareness of my limbs. "PLEASE, LET ME OUT!! I promise I'll cooperate just let me out." I started hyperventilating before he quickly undid the thing. I felt my body relax and I dropped to the ground trying to calm myself.
"Hey, hey I'm sorry. I didn't think anyone had such fears here." I glared at him before standing up.

"So, tell me, why exactly did you cuff and paralyze me."
"It's how we transport our trespassers; we immobilize and float. No violence and no unnecessary deaths. Our King's orders for the force."
I looked at him before staring at the path he came from.
"Your king?"

"The King of this realm. Does yours not have one?"

I blinked and shook my head as we started walking into the heart of the forest. "No, I'm not sure my 'realm' has a king. I'm from Earth."

He chuckled at my statement, "Well I'm aware of that but in our timeline, we have 10 realms. This number goes up or down depending on the planet or galaxy certain timelines exist in." He paused and looked back at me, "Are you understanding me?"

I nodded. "So how can I get back to my realm?" He gave me once over before continuing towards our destination.
"I'd say your either from the 6th or 9th realm and given your lack of knowledge of the realms and the timeline itself, so definitely the 9th realm. Now the 9th realm I'm not sure, but the 6th one you'd need to possess a skill not many possess to travel between " He nodded to himself as if he solved a riddle with ease. I thought to myself for a moment. Some of the things he's saying I've heard mentioned before but never like this or not as much. I've only ever heard snippets of conversations around the house with my mom, oldest brother and dad when he was 'alive'.

I tried my best to seem unphased by this influx of information. "What's the 9th realm?"

"A realm for the thoughtless. They rarely think beyond the present and don't possess as much knowledge or vocabulary as the rest of the realms. And they don't possess any magic of any kind."
I gave him a slightly offended look, "I'm pretty sure the knowledge and vocabulary I possess makes your impertinent, unnecessary deduction incorrect. I must possess some type of magical finesse to have stumbled into your realm." I said before letting out a huge puff and plopping down on the ground.

"No, no, no come on I already gave him our ETA we don't have a minute to waste his grace is very busy." He pulled the glowing thing out again and I instantly stood up. He gave a look of surprised satisfaction before continuing on.
We walked for about 20 minutes in silence before he apologized to me for what he realized was an insult to me and we continued on for another 15 minutes before he said some words to a huge oak that opened up to what seemed to be a tunnel of sorts. We hadn't been walking five minutes before a thought crossed my mind.
"How do I know you're not leading me to my demise?"

"Because if the king wished it, you'd already be dead." There was a moment of silence before he continued to speak. "Our king is one of understanding and fairness. I'm sure he will help you find your way home, if you are who you claim to be." He glanced back at me with an unsure look and continued to lead me through the maze of tunnels.


So, here's the thing, this book will have very slow updates because of my daily schedule as well as the fact that I've been away for a minute and am getting back into the flow of writing. There won't be a lot of notes at each chapter's end unless it's important. Thanks for understanding and sorry for any inconvenience.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.




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