Part 42

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Johnson: Wise Man👨🏼‍🏫

Wise Man👨🏼‍🏫: anyone trying to Netflix and actually chill
Y/n🔥: sure, haven't sat down on the couch and ate food for like 30 minutes
samuella💋: change my damn name!!!
Stoner💨: I think it fits you
Gilinskette⭐️: I'm enjoying my name
Wise Man👨🏼‍🏫:samuella 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽
Y/n🔥: see the others like it Sam
Wise Man👨🏼‍🏫: hurry up y/n before I eat all these snacks without you
Gilinskette⭐️: can I come over
Wise Man👨🏼‍🏫: when did you leave the house
Gilinskette⭐️: I went to get us some more snacks for the stash we hide from Nash and Hayes
Wise Man👨🏼‍🏫: look at you being all responsible and shit
Y/n🔥: I'm in the McDonald's drive thru anyone want something because I'm pretty sure we will all end up at the Jacks' house
Stoner💨: 2 Big Macs
samuella 💋: large fry
Wise Man👨🏼‍🏫: 10 piece chicken nuggets
Gilinskette⭐️: I'm gucci fam
Y/n🔥: okie dokie give me 10 minutes
Wise Man👨🏼‍🏫: Dillon,Swazz, Hayes and Tez want to know if they can join
samuella💋: no, they're buzzkills
Stoner💨: vibe killers
Gilinskette⭐️:mood murders
Y/n🔥: well damn guys..... tell them they can join, but they gotta buy their own McDonald's because I too lazy to go back and I'm broke
samuella💋: we'll pay you back when you get here ma, don't even stress😉😉😉
Y/n🔥: slightly cringed at how nice you were being, but whatever I would have made you guys pay me back anyways
----------------time skip------------
Wise Man👨🏼‍🏫: y/n is that you honking outside
Y/n🔥: I need help with all this food
Gilinskette⭐️: here i come

Extra information: Eventually all the boys got there and while everyone was eating you realized you forgot to get yourself some food, so you took one of Nate's Big Macs and some of Sammy's fries. You guys ended up watching Monsters Inc.,Lilo and Stitch, Clueless, and Scary Movie 1.

I liked this chapter and all those movies are amazing in my opinion
"Ohana means family,family means no one gets left behind or forgotten"- Lilo and Stitch,June 21, 2002

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