Part 9

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Queen: come get your fucking friend skate

Skaterade: what friend ma

Queen: the one you left at my house you idiot

Skaterade: what did Swazz do 

Queen: we were playing a game of basketball and whoever won got to do anything they wanted to the other player

Skaterade: and

Queen: Swazz won by a point now he wants a bj

SammyWammy: hahaha that's what you ass get

Queen: STFU Sammy before I chop off your dick and feed it to you

Skaterade: just give him the blowjob ma 

Queen: 1) hell to the fucking no (2) I refuse to catch aids from your friend bitch

Gilinskank:  it's just a bj

SammyWammy: where the hell you come from

Gilinskank: my mom

Queen: if it is just a blowjob why don't you do it G 

Gilinskank: Im not gay

Queen: well the shut your fucking face hole

InnocentJ: I'm omw to get him y/n don't worry

Queen: this is one reason J is my favorite

Queen: bye ass faces

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