- daydream
you used to be that lyric
that was always stuck in my head
that i couldn't find the song to
no matter how far i searched,or that image i desired to paint
but just couldn't seem to remember
in front of the canvas.you that flower
that i never knew the name of
or that color i could've sworn
was invented.but most importantly,
you were the daydream
i'd have in my darkest nights,
the nightmare
that went away once i opened my eyes.hey, meia.
i was always looking for you
even if i hadn't known you.
and at first,
i didn't even know that
i was looking for anything at all.but
i didn't really know i was looking
for anything at all
until i found you.and now that i do know you,
i can see that those daydreams
and those nightmares
had you
written all over it.i miss you, meia.
because you made
beautiful nightmares terrifying
and terrifying nightmares beautiful.only you.