Chapter 1

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  "Ma'am… ". My eyes fluttered open.

  "We're here, " the cab driver humphed as he pulled my luggage out of the cab and onto a cream colored cobble stone walkway.

  The house it led to looked to be brand new,  but the two stories worth of red bricks that constructed it told you otherwise. It's cream colored double doors stood at least seven feet tall. The house was huge.

  Great, I thought to myself, she must be a lawyer , or the queen of the city.

  I turned and paid the driver, then he drove off down the street filled with nice, big houses.

  It took me a while to finally decide I was actually going to do this. Not run away from it. I was going to meet and live with these… strangers. But how?

  I took a deep breathe. I was alone. I had no one. Sure, I was about to move in with my other Aunt (that never wanted to meet me) and her spoiled daughter (my so-called cousin for a whole 16 years). But my Aunt Nala died it seemed as though I were alone and had no one to go toanymore. No family– seeing as my parents left me with one of my aunts when I was just a child.

  These people-these people aren't my family. Strangers . That's what they are.

  And that's what I was thinking as I stood there staring up at a huge two story house that wasn't even twice as big as the house I had been living in a week ago. It was more like three times bigger.

  I signed and opened the short black gate that stood in front of me. I threw my bags on the other side and then I felt it. The pain.

  The banging in my head.  It felt as though a malicious demon were pounding my head inside and out with a hammer.  I had never felt so much physical pain in my life.  But it wasn't physical, as I held my head and looked around there was no one. It was internal. 

  I let go of my head and fell to the ground. The pain seemed to worsen and worsen. And then I began to hear a buzz. It came closer and closer and soon turned into a car motor.  AND IT WAS LOUD.

  I didn't know if I could take it anymore. I couldn't even scream,  the car motor seemed to shut my vocal chords. Soon the pain and car motor were in exact sync and that's when I saw the car.

  As soon as I saw the black camaro the pain stopped. The car passed by slowly.  I stared at the shaded window with hatred and fear. Hatred, because of I knew exactly who It was, yet I didn't...somewhere inside me I knew I needed to run from that person. But I couldn't...because of the pain that would begin again if I so much as  moved an inch.

And now I know...I should have ran no matter what type of pain I would feel, because that pain was nothing compared to the pain I would receive from that same person in the near future.

But I didn't know that at the time. So I sat there and held my head as the black Camaro slowly drove off and my head began to pound like crazy again.

I held my head in agony and then fainted, right after the black Camaro sped off.

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