Fucking Around In Romance

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Rosaleen's POV

After finally arriving at the shopping centre, me and Ariana stepped out of the car linking arms with each other. The paparazzi swarmed us in an instant and I tightly gripped on Ariana's sleeve. I breathed in and out, continuously trying to control my panic while covering my eyes with one hand.

Will I ever get use to this? NO. No I won't.

"Bye bye my babiieesss. You two lovelies have a nice D. A. T. E okayy!" Frankie purposely said out loud before giving us a hug from behind.

I blushed and snapped my head back at him with a frantic expression showing. "F-Frankie Grande! It is not a date!" I immediately scolded him bashfully and my face turned redder by the second. How could he say that so casually!

I glanced over at Ariana. She had her phone out with our faces on the screen. "Say cheese!" she said with her finger about to push the button. I grinned as quick as I could. "Cheeeeeesssee."


A flash beamed from the camera after she took the selfie. "OMGG GUYYS C'MERE!" Ariana demanded while signalling us.

I leaned in close beside her to take a good look at the photo and Frankie did the same on the other side.

The picture showed Frankie's face in pain while I had him grappled in a head lock, my grin making it look like I was enjoying his torture. But what I really loved about the photo was Ariana shown on the side of me, her cheek smushed up to mine and her lips all puckered up.

 But what I really loved about the photo was Ariana shown on the side of me, her cheek smushed up to mine and her lips all puckered up

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My eye twitched and I tried to sneakily grab the phone off Ari before she could notice, but she was too stealthy. "Nah ahhh." she said cheekily putting the phone out of my reach. "Im going to post this, it's a really cute photo don't ya'll think?" she asked daringly.

I smiled and nodded like crazy. "Yes! P-Please send that to my phone when your done posting Ori." I murmured with my hands in a pray form.

Ariana grinned at how happy I looked and gave me an assuring wink. "Don't ya'll worry, we're gonna be taken a BUNCH of photos today."

I extended my arms in the air and clapped like a mad person. "YAAAASSSS!" I said a little surprised in my confidence.

Ariana burst out into laughter and so did Frankie. "YAASS BITCH THERE'S THE ROSA IVE BEEN WAITING FOR." she shrieked happily.

Frankie pouted and crossed his arms. "SERIOUSLY, you women make me want to skip dance rehearsal right now." he moaned. "BUT, it is your two love birds day out so I know you'll need your.. privacy." he smirked and put his hand to his mouth glancing to me then Ariana in a suspicious manner.

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