Chapter 2 a soul for a soul

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“I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep” I finally said after I couldn’t bare the silence any longer. Then he said “well I don’t mind stay up and talking to you until you fall asleep.” “Thanks.”I replied “so how did you become a vampire.” I said my mind was storming with questions. He looked at me and said, “When I was 5 years old my home was destroyed by vampires from peters clan. Peter is the man that I called my father back there in the living room. He carried on.” It was two weeks after the blood bath and my family were all killed peter must of saw some think in me because he kept me alive I remember he fed me nothing but garlic to keep the vampires from biting me but then one day he went out of town and left me alone with some vampires and they bit me but I became a half blood because of all the garlic id eaten. When peter got home he killed the vampires that bite me and raised me as his own.” when he talked about he looked sad. He looked like he was about to cry. I took his hand and said “I’m sorry about your family” He smiled and said “Its fine.”

Then he said.” soo where did you live before you moved to this run down town because not manny people move to river stone evry one moves out of river stone."

"My dad lived hear when he was a kid and said that its a good town with out technology but before." I replied  

"New York City sounds cool."he said.

"Yeah New York is great but the smell isnt to great." He laughed and said "this place dont smell to good either." I laughed to.

I couldn't help but ask him "do you eat people or regular food?" At first he looked affened then he said " I eat both."

"So I can still be normal?"

He thought for a second then said"Not exactly at some points you will have an uncontrollable need for blood and you cant tell when its going to happen."

"So how do you handle it so well?"I asked.

He laughed and said " Years of practice?"

I smiled and thought how did I never notice him at school.Its crazy I think I was crushing on a vampire.Tom began to laugh.Danm it I forgot he could read my mind. He grabbed my hand and stood up. I stood up to. Then he moved my my hair awsy from my face and kissed me. It wasn't just any kiss it made me feel warm inside and I tryed not to smile but I was so happy for some unknown reason.

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