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Taehyung lies there on his bed wondering if Jimin and him will ever be a thing. Even if it's fun and he likes it at the same time, Tae doesn't know if Jimin is serious with him.

He tosses and turns throughout the night and when he checks his phone, he realizes it's 3 AM.

"Ugh I can't sleep!" Tae groans.

The tired boy decides to get up and go see if anybody is awake. Unfortunately, when he checks the whole house besides the bedrooms, nobody is out or up.

Tae decides to get a snack before going back to his room, being hungry is worst than being tired.

Grabbing the chips from the counter, he turned around and sees a familiar face.

"Tae-Tae?" A tired Jimin whispers.

Tae is caught off guard and drops his bag of chips onto the floor, "ah sorry, I didn't mean to wake you!"

Jimin laughs and picks up his chips, "it's okay, don't worry about it. What are you doing still up?"

"I can't sleep." Tae whispers, embarrassed that the real reason is he was thinking about Jimin and he actually can't sleep alone.

"Well if you can't sleep, you can always come sleep in my room with me." Jimin cheekily says.

Tae blushed at the thought but quickly shuts him down, "thanks buuuut I'll be fine by myself. I just needed a little snack."

Jimin pouts and scrunches up his nose, "awe buuuut Tae-Tae! We can push a mattress close to my bed if it makes you feel more comfortable."

"Noooo Chim-Chim! We have a meet and greet tomorrow, I don't want any distractions."

Jimin smirks, "you think I'll be a distraction on you getting to sleep?"

Tae blushes and runs to his room, not caring if he wakes up the whole house.


"Tae-Taaaaae! Time to wake up ba-I mean ah nevermind!" Jimin yells at Tae.

Tae wipes his eyes, not knowing what's going on, but then feels something heavy on his body.

He finally opens his eyes and realizes Jimin is on top of him, trying to wake him up.

"Chim-Chim get off!" Tae yells but when Jimin refuses, Tae swings Jimin underneath him and now Tae is on top.

"I knew you'd always be a top." Jimin smirks from underneath Tae.

"You oh my god, Jimin!" Tae jumps off of him and runs to the bathroom.

Jimin smirks to himself and continues to lie on Tae's bed, "his bed smells like him."

"GET READY FOR THE MEET AND GREET! WE LEAVE IN AN HOUR!" Jin yells throughout the house and with that, everybody is up and moving.

The boys decide to all wear their Puma gear and wear little makeup.

"Is everybody ready?" Namjoon questions the boys and they nod their heads.

"Great, let's go then before we are late!" Hoseok announces and runs to the car.

"Ah I'll be right back!" Jimin covers his microphone and tells the guys.

"Hey everyone, do you want to hear something about Jimin?" Yoongi announces into the microphone.

"I want to hear something about me, too? Oh god if it's about Tae!"

Jimin sits right back down as soon as he hears this.

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