~Confusing Mornings~

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"AISH JIN HURRY!" Tae yelled at his Hyung.

"Kim Taehyung! Don't yell at me!" Jin raised his voice and Tae sat back on his chair.

"Sorry Hyung, I just want this to be perfect." Jin smiled at the love struck boy and continued to cook.

"Tae, it's only breakfast...he still has his party and everything."

Tae huffed at Jin's words and put his face in his hands, "yes but I want the whole day to be perfect for him! From when he first wakes up to when he falls asleep!"

Jin shook his head and flipped the light blue pancake, "don't you think adding color to the pancake is extra?" 

"Aish no! Light blue is his favorite color and he really likes your pancakes so it's the perfect combination!"

The room went silent, only hearing cooking going on. Tae looked at his phone and realized Jimin is going to wake up soon. He scratched the back of his head and yawned, not used to waking up so early.

Jin looked at the boy worriedly, "Tae? How much sleep did you get last night?"

"Aish I didn't...I pretended to fall asleep at 4 but then decided to get up at 4:30 AM to start preparing for his birthday."

Jin widened his eyes realizing that the boy never gets up willingly early. "You must really love him to be getting no sleep!" He laughed and put the pancakes on a plate.

Tae chuckled at his Hyung and ran over to grab powdered sugar, sprinkling it on top of the pancakes.

"Don't forget the syrup!"

"Aish right!"

"Wait instead of drizzling that on top, put the syrup in a mini dipping bowl!" Jin spoke while jogging over to get the bowl.

"And the roses!"

Tae ran back to grab the bouquet of roses that were dyed light blue and black. He places the pancakes on a tray, along with a bowl of fruit and a drink of Grapefruit Ade.

Smiling to himself, he carefully brought the ray over to their room and peaked in.

"Good he's still sleeping!"

He walked over and placed the tray down, put a flash drive into a computer, and started to sing to him. Slowly, Jimin started to wake up hearing Tae's deep but soft voice.

Jimin eyed his boyfriend that was holding a bouquet of roses and then saw his breakfast.

"Awe baby, you didn't have to do this for me!" He yawned and sat up.

"I love youuuuu!" Tae sang and grabbed his tray.

"Happy birthday, ChimChim!" Tae fed the birthday boy and gave him kisses.

"Oh my gosh, Jin's pancakes!!" Jimin happily let Tae feed him, of course blushing while this was happening.

"Awe are you blushing?" Tae cooed, kissing his cheek then his neck. Jimin's body started to get hot from Tae kissing him and wondered why such little actions made him hot.

When the two finally finished their breakfast, Tae made Jimin lay back down and the two cuddled.



"I love you...jeez I can't believe I get to say that to you!" Jimin smiled with his eyes and kissed Tae.

Tae chuckled and kissed him back, "I love you, too. I wouldn't want to do this for anybody else except for you."

Hearing these words, Jimin blushed harder and hid his face into Tae's chest. Tae lifted Jimin's chin up to make him look in his eyes.

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