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Makaylah Hall pov

My legs shake up and down, while my palms get sweaty. I wipe them on the sides of my pink sundress.

Being watched. Something I don't like. Something I'm sure nobody likes... unless you're a creep like the 12th grade English teacher.

I'm pretty sure everyone is minding their business but, I can't help but feel like I'm being watched from the back.

I'm so uncomfortable I can't even finish the rest of my ChickFilA and I LOVE Chick-Fil-A!

I squirm in my chair a little and put all of my trash in the plastic white bag.

"NO NOT TODAY!" My phone suddenly going off scaring me and everyone else in the room. I fumble with the phone to answer the call.

It slips out of my hand, it falls to the ground. I look down to see my Ryan Bear🐻 phone case, I quickly pick it back up, luckily not broken. "NO NOT TOD-"

"Hello?" I answer quietly.

"Hey, are you done eating lunch?" A voice says.

"Yeah, why?" I ask.

"Another family just registered their son, come and set up his schedule." Allison says.

"Okay, I'll be there in a sec."

"OK, bye."

"Bye." I hung up the phone and quickly gather my things. I throw my food away but, on my way to the door, I stumble over a chair. All that could be heard was metal hitting the floor, which does not sound good.

Now everyone really is staring at me! I gather my bearings and bolt out of the room.

I can't be doing this to myself.

I enter Allison's office and see her point to her sub-room. I look in there and I see three Asian people. Looks like a dad, a mom, and a son. A perfect little family.

"Mr.Kim, this is Ms. Hall. She is the only counselor in today since everyone else is on summer vacation. Also, your last name starts with a K so, she will be your son's counselor from now on. " Allison said.

The family stands up and I greet them with a smile. I also hold my hand out for a handshake. They tell me their names as we shake.

"I'm Namjoon Kim, this is my sister and my son. He is 15 going into 10th grade." Ahhhh, sister. Namjoon seemed like a nice guy, he looks as tall as me or taller, I can't tell. I noticed in his smile he has really deep dimples.

"Hello, I'm Dojin but, you can call me Jenna." I give a smile. She was absolutely gorgeous and came about to my shoulders. Long black and brown hair, dark brown eyes, a nice smile, and her skin was so smooth. What kind of lotion does she use? Is she glowing?!

"You are very pretty Ms. Jenna." I compliment her.

"Aww, thanks. But, you're the prettiest one here. Plus, you're really tall." After Jenna said so, I heard Allison scoff. I laugh a little.

"Yeah, I get that a lot."

"I'm Michael." The boy says. He looks like his father deep dimples and a nice smile. He's a little shorter than his dad but I'm pretty sure that's not going to last long.

There is one thing I noticed, he and his dad have colorful hair. Namjoon has blonde hair while the son has dark purple. I barely noticed.



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